Top pop from seventeenth-century England

Broadside ballads were single-sheet songs that sold for a penny a piece. A new project, 100 Ballads, welcomes ANZAMEMS members to explore their website which concentrates on over 100 resoundingly successful examples of the genre that they can investigate through recordings, images and a wealth of other materials. Whether you are interested in music, art, love, gender, tragedy, politics, family life, crime, history, humour or death, you will find something here to engage you.

CFP: Fifth Quadrennial Symposium on Crusade Studies

​The Fifth Quadrennial Symposium on Crusade Studies (October 3 -5, 2024) hosted by Saint Louis University will take place on its European campus in Madrid, Spain. Meeting in the vibrant capital city, the Symposium offers scholars the opportunity to present research, visit significant locations, and engage in historical discussion. The goal of the of the Symposium is to promote serious scholarly investigation into all topics and disciplines associated with crusading and the Latin East. The symposium will include plenary sessions from Thomas Asbridge, of Queen Mary University of London, and Helen Nicholson, of Cardiff University.   
The Symposium invites proposals for papers, complete sessions, and roundtables. Any topics regarding the scholarly investigation of medieval crusading are welcome. Papers are normally twenty minutes each and sessions are scheduled for ninety minutes. 
Submissions are currently open and the deadline for all proposals is March 31st, 2024. Late submissions will be considered if space is available. Decisions will be made by the end of April and the final program will be published in June.

Please see the conference website for further details.

CFP: Ceræ Inaugural Conference

The Ceræ inaugural virtual conference, held over 26–27 April 2024 and organised around the theme of Metamorphosis, Transformation, and Transmutation, is just under two months away, and the committee has been busy planning a varied programme from the submissions we have already received. However, in order to provide ample opportunity for scholars at all stages of their research career to attend and present their research to an international audience, they are pleased to announce that they have extended the Call for Papers by an extra 2 WEEKS only.


Please email your submission for a 20-minute (+ 10 minutes Q&A) presentation to, including:

  • a 150–200 word abstract,
  • your academic affiliation and title (if any),
  • a short 50-100 word biography,
  • the time-zone from which you will be presenting.

Cerae is also please to announce the two keynote speakers for the conference, Associate Professor Alexandre Roberts from the University of Southern California Dornsife, and Redmond Barry Distinguished Professor of English Stephanie Trigg from the University of Melbourne. Further details on our keynotes can be found on the website.

The conference will be held entirely online, via Zoom, and all sessions will be recorded and made available on the website for a limited time after the conference has concluded to allow for continued discussion. To ensure that the conference is accessible to all scholars, regardless of financial position, there will be a nominal attendance fee of approximately $5-10 AUD (the final amount yet to be finalised by the committee). 100% of the proceeds from the conference will directly contribute to the ongoing operational costs of the journal to help in their commitment to remain fully independent and open-access.

Editorial Manager: Religious History Association

The Religious History Association (RHA) is looking for an Editorial Manager to support the Editor and Review Editor of the Journal of Religious History (JRH) and assist the RHA Executive. This is a part-time role (0.2 – 0.3 subject to negotiation) for an experienced, efficient and precise academic editor with strong communication skills who is familiar with the digital preparation of manuscripts for publication.

JRH is an international journal published by Wiley and disseminating high quality research that makes original and significant contribution in the field of religious history, across a wide range of periods and cultures. The position involves ensuring the production of four issues annually of the JRH on the ReX workflow management software. Each issue contains on average six articles, refereed by blind peer review, and reviews of selected monographs.

For full job description and details on how to apply, click here.

CFP: Limina: A Journal of Historical and Cultural Studies

Call for Papers: 2024 ‘Crisis’ Special Issue

Deadline: 15 March 2024

Following our 2023 conference, Limina: A Journal of Historical and Cultural Studies is inviting articles for peer review for its forthcoming special issue on the conference theme ‘Crisis’, scheduled for publication in late 2024. We welcome scholarly contributions of 5000-7000 words written for a non-specialist audience.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Social, political, historic, economic, ecological, psychological, or identity crises
  • Theorising crises
  • Media depictions of crises
  • Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic studies
  • War and conflict studies
  • Extremism studies
  • Disability studies
  • The intersection of overlapping crises and their impact
  • The ‘polycrisis’ or ‘everything crisis’

Limina also accepts unsolicited submissions of critical essays, long form literary reviews, and academically informed reflections from across Australia and the world. They can range from 3000-4000 words and must be written in a scholarly and professional manner abiding by Limina’s style guide. Subject matters can be broad for our general edition, but would need to dovetail with the theme of ‘Crisis’ for our special edition.

Limina encourages HDR students and early career researchers (ECRs) to submit papers.

Please submit your article as an email attachment in MS Word format or Rich Text Format (RTF) to by 15 March 2024.

In a separate document, please also provide:

  • Your name
  • Your email address
  • Your institutional affiliation
  • The title of the article
  • A 150-word abstract
  • List a minimum of 6-8 words for your article
  • A statement certifying that this article is not under consideration elsewhere

Please visit our website for further information on submissions and our style guide:

CFP: Fourth Triennial Australian Literary Studies Convention

July 2-5, 2024
Western Sydney University, Parramatta South Campus

Chaos and Order

This triennial event brings together major associations for the study of literature in Australia and welcomes scholars and postgraduate students working on any aspect or field of literary studies. We seek papers on the theme of ‘Chaos and Order’. Literary scholarship and literary practice can both be understood as ordering processes: a work of creative writing is an attempt to build meaning by drawing on, and framing, the chaos of experience. So too, whether the research be qualitative or quantitative in method, literary scholarship considers how meaning might traced and interpreted within literary works, forms, periods and literary fields, applying modes of order to them through this critical reception.

While literary study involves the broad expanses of time and space that comprise the histories of oral and written literature, such works are studied now because they continue to speak to us, in what is a challenging present moment. Order might be applied to make sense of chaos, but equally too much order, or newly applied kinds of
order have the potential to create chaos. Just as ‘order’ might be understood in positive or negative terms, ‘chaos’ does not have to be understood in solely negative terms: it might be understood, rather, as that which allows the potential for new kinds of creation.

We are open to all interpretations of ‘Chaos and Order’ and all methodologies applied to the study or practice of literature.

We invite papers and panels, including but not limited to the following topics:

  • How literature (from any period or tradition) helps us understand chaos and order.
  • What literature can do (be it political, ideological, affective, existential, ethical, imaginative, social, personal) in relation to the chaos and orders of the present.
  • How literature is imbricated in, produces, or resists systems of order or power (reproduces or contests dominant ideologies; literature and Empire; literature and propaganda; literature and social change/transformation for example)
  • How the opportunity to write and/or publish has been and is now determined by systems of order (gender, class, sexuality, race, ethnicity, cultural capital, markets).
  • How book history and print culture has responded to (or influenced) periods of chaos.
  • How particular methodologies might offer new ways of seeing old problems.
  • How particular methods might collaborate or generate chaos through conflict.
  • How pedagogical systems might solve or cause problems (both within universities and between primary, secondary and tertiary forms of education).

Deadline for submissions: 1 March 2024.

Please send an abstract of 150 words and biographical note of 100 words to Anthony Uhlmann

Jointly held by the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, the Australasian Universities Languages and Literature Association, the Australasian Association for Literature, the Australian University Heads of English, the Australasian Victorian Studies Association, The Australasian Children’s Literature Association, The Australasian Modernist Studies Network

Parergon 2024 Early Career Committee Call for Nominations

Parergon, the journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (Inc.), seeks nominations for interested early career scholars within ANZAMEMS to participate as members of the 2024 Early Career Committee (ECC). The aim of this committee is to recognise and support early career researcher contributions to ANZAMEMS, and specifically, Parergon.

The ECC meets three times a year and offers an opportunity to provide advice to the Editorial team and gain a deeper understanding of the detailed intellectual and practical processes of production of a prestigious, peer-reviewed scholarly journal.

Additionally, participation in the ECC will provide valuable service experience for those interested in pursuing academic and publishing career pathways. Membership of the ECC is not a paid position.

Terms are for a calendar year, with a possible maximal renewal of an additional, immediate year.

Nominations are sought from late-stage doctoral students through to those five years post PhD or equivalent), who are current members of ANZAMEMS.

Applications should consist of a CV, and a covering email outlining disciplinary expertise to the Editors of Parergon,

Doctoral students wishing to apply should also provide an email from their supervisor indicating support for their application.

Nominations close on Friday 1 March 2024. Successful candidates will be notified in early March.

Selection criteria

  • Candidates are expected to be available to make 3 meetings a year by Zoom link.

No prior experience is necessary

The Editorial team will seek to achieve a broad disciplinary spread among the committee.

Parergon Early Career Committee Terms of Reference

Version: 2 February 2024

1.                  Purpose

The Committee’s purposes are:

  1. to provide advice to the Editor and Reviews Editor on the content, production and promotion of Parergon.
  2. to give the opportunity for early career researchers to gain experience in the intellectual and practical processes of production of a high-quality international peer- reviewed journal.
  3. to support the aims of the association with regard to the publication of its journal.

2.                  Membership

The members of the Committee are:

  • The Parergon Editor
    • The Parergon Reviews Editor
    • The ANZAMEMS Communications Officer
    • Up to 12 persons appointed by the Editor and Reviews Editor for one year.

Persons appointed in category 2.3:

  1. must be members of ANZAMEMS; and
  2. must be early career researchers (within five years of achieving a doctoral qualification) or currently enrolled doctoral students (with support of a doctoral supervisor)
  3. are eligible for reappointment for a further term of one year.

3.                  Meetings

  • The Parergon Editor is the Chair of the committee.
    • The Committee normally meets three times a year.

3.2       The Committee reports through the Editor to the ANZAMEMS Editorial Sub- Committee.

Winners of the ANZAMEMS Publication Prizes for 2023 and 2024 announced!

It is with great pleasure, ANZAMEMS can announce the winners of the Association’s Publication Prizes for 2023 and 2024!

Congratulations to all the Prize winners, and thank you to all those who took the time to enter. The judges have reported back that the quality of all the publications was extremely high, which made their jobs very difficult!

Thank you to the judges of each prize: we greatly appreciate your service to the Association.

Finally, a big thank you to the chair of the ANZAMEMS Prizes sub-committee, Prof Andrew Brown, who brilliantly co-ordinated the judging for all the Prizes!

2023 Philippa Maddern ECR Publication Prize winner:

Dr Jessica O’Leary (Australian Catholic University) for:

“The Uprooting of Indigenous Women’s Horticultural Practices in Brazil, 1500–1650”, in Past and Present 262.1 (2024) [published online in March 2023]:

2023 Patricia Crawford Postgraduate Publication Prize winner:

Dr Georgina Pitt (The University of Western Australia) for

“Alfredian military reform: the materialization of ideology and the social practice of garrisoning,” in Early Medieval Europe 30.3 (2022) :

2023 Anne M. Scott Parergon Journal Prize winner:

Dr Kirk Essary (The University of Western Australia) for

“‘The Bloody Sweat of Our Minds’: (Dis)embodied Emotions in Erasmus, More, and Calvin,” in Parergon 38.1 (2021):

2024 Constant Mews Early Career Publication Prize winner

Catherine Rosbrook (Ghent University) for

“Ascetic Instruction in the Life of John of Gorze”, in Journal of Medieval History 49.4 (2023):

CFP: Cultural History of Monarchy

The editorial team for Bloomsburyʼs Cultural History of Monarchy welcome proposals for the six volumes in their collection. Of particular interest to ANZAMEMS membership will be the volumes on the Medieval Age, the Early Modern Era, and the Long 18th Century.

Note that this call is different to a normal edited collection where authors propose topics on varied subjects which relate specifically to their research. Instead, the editors are looking for proposals from authors who are interested in writing one of the specific chapters in one of the particular volumes of the series. Each volume will contain chapters under the headings:

Conceptualizing Monarchy
Rites, Ritual and Ceremonial
Religious, Intellectual and Cultural Patronage
Place and Space
Image and Representation
Intradynastic, Imperial and International Networks
Court, Counsel and Community
Legacy: Funerary Culture, Memorialization and Myth-Making

For further details on the project, including how to submit a proposal, please see the below pdf.