CFP: Crusades: Categories, Boundaries and Horizons panel at ANZAMEMS 2019

The theme for the 2019 Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (ANZAMEMS) conference is Categories, Boundaries, Horizons. This offers an excellent opportunity to explore medieval and modern perceptions of the crusades and crusading, examine the implications of categories and boundaries in our field, and discuss the future horizons of the field in a series of linked panels.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Boundaries and the liminal in crusade sources
  • Categories and boundaries in scholarship (e.g. restriction, anachronism)
  • Future horizons of crusades scholarship

These sessions are organised by Megan Cassidy-Welch (University of Queensland) and Beth Spacey (University of Queensland). If you would be interested in applying to give a 20-minute paper as part of these sessions, please send a paper title and a 200-word abstract to Beth Spacey ( by 31 July 2018.


The twelfth biennial ANZAMEMS Conference will be held in Sydney, Australia, 5-8 February 2019 at the Camperdown Campus of the University of Sydney. More information is available here:

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