George Rudé Seminar in French History and Civilisation – Call for Papers

Call for Papers George Rudé Seminar in French History and Civilisation

Australian National University 4 to 7 July 2018

(Version française ci-dessous)

We are pleased to announce the 21st George Rudé Seminar in French History and Civilisation, which will be hosted by The Australian National University in Canberra from 4 to 7 July 2018.

The George Rudé Seminar in French History and Civilisation is the premier conference in French historical and cultural studies in the southern hemisphere. This biennial event recognises the contribution of George Rudé to the study of French history and culture in Australasia and internationally. Each conference produces a peer-reviewed collection in the journal French History and Civilisation, published through H-France.

The Rudé Seminar welcomes twenty-minute papers, in English or in French, on all aspects of French and Francophone history, from the Middle Ages to the present, for inclusion in the general program. Proposals for both individual papers and group panels will be accepted.

As the capital city of Australia, Canberra is home to many cultural and research institutions. The region is also known for its vineyards, bushwalking, and close proximity to the ski resorts of the Australian alps.

Confirmed keynote speakers for the 21st George Rudé Seminar include:

Alice Conklin (Professor of History, Ohio State University), author of In the Museum of Man: Race, Anthropology and Empire in France, 1850-1950 (Cornell, 2013) and A Mission to Civilize: The Republican Idea of Empire in France and West Africa, 1895-1930 (Stanford University Press, 1997).

Mary D. Lewis (Robert Walton Goelet Professor of French History at Harvard University), author of Divided Rule: Sovereignty and Empire in French Tunisia, 1881-1938 (University of California Press, 2013) and The Boundaries of the Republic: Migrant Rights and the Limits of Universalism in France (Stanford University Press, 2007).

Antoine Lilti (Director of Studies, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), author of The Invention of Celebrity: 1750-1850 (Polity Press, 2017) and The World of the Salons: Sociability and Worldliness in Eighteenth-century Paris (Oxford University Press, 2015).

Pierre Serna (Director of the Institut d’Histoire de la Révolution Française, Professeur d’histoire de la Révolution française et de l’Empire à l’Université de Paris 1 Panthéon- Sorbonne), author of La Révolution des animaux 1760-1820 (Fayard, 2016) and La République des Girouettes – 1795-1815 et au delà. Une anomalie politique : la France de l’extrême centre (Champ Vallon, 2005).

Abstracts of up to 300 words per presenter should be sent to together with a 100-word profile of each speaker giving name, professional title and affiliation, by Friday 1 December 2017. General inquiries can be made to the same address.


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