URGENT CHANGE OF DATE Thomas Biggs, Huguenots, Book offer – University of Sydney

1.     Department of Classics and Ancient History Research Seminar Series, Semester 2, 2017


Thomas Biggs (CCANESA Apollo Fellow, University of Georgia)

New Date: 31 August 2017 4.15pm (originally 21 August)

Conference Room of the Centre for Classical and Near Eastern Studies of Australia, Madsen Building (F09),

2.     The Huguenots: French Reformers. Their Faith and Diaspora.

4 November 2017

10.00am —6.00pm

Dinner 6.00pm at ’99 on York’ York Street, Sydney
Keynote speaker: Dr Robin Gwynn

See attached flyer for registration, payment, program and further information.

[gview file=”https://anzamems.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Flier-041117-Huguenots.pdf”] 

3.     Book-special offer

Muecke and Campanelli, The Invention of Rome: Biondo Flavio’s Roma Triumphans and its Worlds (Geneva, 2017)

See attached prospectus. Book available for a short time at a discounted price

[gview file=”https://anzamems.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Prospectus_3-576-Muecke-Invention-of-Rome.pdf”]