Call for proposals for a themed issue of Parergon (2016)

We now call for proposals for future themed issues, most immediately for 2016 (33.2).

Parergon publishes articles on all aspects of medieval and early modern studies, from early medieval through to the eighteenth century, and including the reception and influence of medieval and early modern culture in the modern world. We are particularly interested in research which takes new approaches and crosses traditional disciplinary boundaries. Themed issues contain up to ten essays, plus the usual reviews section. The guest editor is responsible for setting the theme and drawing up the criteria for the essays.

Proposals should contain the following:

  1. A draft title for the issue.
  2. A statement outlining the rationale for the issue.
  3. Titles and abstracts of all the essays.
  4. A short biographical paragraph for the guest editor(s) and for each contributor.
  5. An example of a completed essay if available. (This is not essential).

Time line
Proposals for the 2016 issue (33.2) are required by 30 January 2015, and completed essays by 30 January 2016 for publication in late 2016.

Preliminary expressions of interest are welcome at any time.

For full details, please see the CFP below

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