Emotions and Feelings in the Middle Ages – Call For Papers

Literature Compass invites contributions for a special issue on emotions and feelings in the Middle Ages. We are seeking submissions that treat medieval emotions and feelings from a variety of cultures and literatures. Submissions may be concerned with issues such as:

  • literary descriptions of emotional states; the meanings and significations of emotions
  • the engagement of the audience’s emotions; affective literacy; mediated emotions
  • methodological and archival challenges in approaching emotions in the Middle Ages
  • rhetorics, languages and social conventions concerning the emotions and medieval definitions of emotion; medieval conventions of ‘interiority’ or ‘subjectivity’
  • communal events and processes (for example, liturgy, drama, pilgrimage) involving emotional engagement and response; social consequences of emotional performance
  • the critical history of medieval emotions, and the post-medieval discussion of emotion in medieval culture; continuities and discontinuities between medieval and post-medieval emotions
  • the relationship between emotions and the body in medieval culture

Inquiries and Proposals should be sent to both editors of the special issue by:
 December 1, 2014 (later inquiries are acceptable provided the article submission deadline will be honored). 

Article submissions by: March 1, 2015.

More information on Literature Compass can be found here: http://literature-compass.com/
For more details on submission and the manuscript review process,
 please see: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1741-4113/homepage/ForAuthors.html
Editors: Anthony Bale (a.bale@bbk.ac.uk) and Lynn Ramey (lynn.ramey@vanderbilt.edu).