Grounding the Sacred Through Literature and the Arts – Call For Papers

Grounding the Sacred Through Literature and the Arts Conference
Australian Catholic University, Sydney
23-26 July, 2015

Conference Website

The Grounding the Sacred conference invites papers and presentations from artists, writers, musicians, academics and religious who are interested in the interplay between the arts and the sacred. The conference asks how literature and the arts can make the sacred tangible: do they enable us to touch the sacred? Do they offer a way of structuring our experiences of the sacred? Do they provide a common ground for people of different faiths – or none – to explore the ineffable? And where does creativity sit in relation to religion and the search for meaning? Are a sense of the sacred and the means to express it essential for human flourishing?

Abstracts of 250 words are invited for 20 minute papers and presentations that address the conference theme. They may be from creators talking about their work as it expresses the sacred; from researchers seeking to explain the relationship between creativity, religion and well-being; and from interpreters bringing to light the sacred dimensions of pre-existing creative works. Submissions should include the author’s name, affiliation, email address, title of abstract, body of abstract, and a short biography. Potential presenters who wish to have their work considered for inclusion in a special Australian issue of Literature and Theology should forward full papers.

Abstracts should be sent to Elaine Lindsay at by 27 February 2015.
Full papers intended for Literature and Theology are due by 13 March 2015.

Inquiries can be made of the conveners, or