‘Sagas and Space’: 16th International Saga Conference – Call For Papers

‘Sagas and Space’: 16th International Saga Conference
University of Zurich and University of Basel
August 2015

Conference Website

Presentation formats
Participants may propose papers, roundtables, posters, or project presentations. There will also be daily keynotes, given by invited speakers. Descriptions of the presentation formats are available on the website. Please read the descriptions before selecting the format for your presentation.

The organizers suggest as the main theme of the Sixteenth International Saga Conference ‘Sagas and Space’. A broad and open theme has been selected so that as many participants as possible have the opportunity to present their research in one of the eight strands. These are devoted to the following themes: ‘Constructing Space’, ‘Mediality’, ‘Textuality and Manuscript Transmission’, ‘Reception’, ‘Continental Europe and Medieval Scandinavia’, ‘Literatures of Eastern Scandinavia’, ‘Bodies and Senses in the Scandinavian Middle Ages’, and ‘Open’. The strands are described in more detail on the conference website.

Call For Papers
If you would like to give a paper, roundtable contribution, poster or project presentation at ‘Sagas and Space’ , please submit an abstract (300-­500 words) via email to: sagaconference@unibas.ch by 15 October 2014. Don’t forget to note in the accompanying email:

  1. which presentation format you prefer (paper, roundtable, poster, or project)
  2. which strand you wish to participate in (Constructing Space; Mediality; Textuality and Manuscript Transmission; Reception; Continental Europe and Medieval Scandinavia; Literatures of Eastern Scandinavia; Bodies and Senses in the Scandinavian Middle Ages; and Open)

We will send all abstracts out for anonymous peer review, and notify of acceptance by email ,
at the latest on 15 January 2015. Abstracts will be published online on the conference website in February, and in a hard copy volume which may be per-­ordered for pickup at registration. As we will be publishing the abstracts, we ask that you use the Stylesheet, downloadable from the conference website, when formatting your abstract.

Please book your accommodation in Zurich soon! As there is no conference block booking, it is
essential to reserve your room early so as not to miss out. Advice and links to booking sites are on the conference website. Details of the conference fee will be published on the website in the autumn. The Swiss National Science Foundation has some funding available to support scholars from Eastern Europe . Applications will need to be made early; let us know as soon as possible if you would like to apply under this programme. It may be possible to organize free childcare
for conference participants. Again, if this would be of interest to you, let us know as soon as you can.

The Third Circular will be sent out in February 2015 and will contain information about the
registration process. Conference registration will be open from February to May 2015.