Fear and Loathing – Call For Papers

“Fear and Loathing
9th Annual Limina Conference
University of Western Australia,
Friday, June 20 2014

Conference Website

The conference aims to foster a supportive environment in which postgraduates and early career researchers can present their work. The Limina Editorial Collective is calling for conference submissions from postgraduates and early career researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences which engage with the theme of ‘Fear and Loathing’.

Topics may include (but are not limited to):

  • Social and/or Immigration Policy
  • Gender and/or Sexuality
  • Fear and Loathing in the Australian Context
  • Experiences of Difference
  • Digital and/or Popular Culture
  • Anthropology
  • Identity(ies)
  • Religion
  • Narratives of the Self
  • Stigma

Abstracts (not more than 250 words) should be submitted to liminajournal@gmail.com before Thursday, 1 May 2014.