S. Ernest Sprott Fellowship 2014 – Call For Applications

The late Samuel Ernest Sprott, from Tasmania, was an academic in the department of English at Dalhousie University, Canada and was best known for his work on John Milton, notably Milton’s Art of Prosody, his first book, which appeared in nine editions between 1953 and 1978, and John Milton, A Maske: the Earlier Versions. His book Suicide: The English Debate from Donne to Hume was published in 1961. He also published a collection of poems in 1955.

The S. Ernest Sprott fellowship is to be awarded annually to an Australian citizen who is an outstanding scholar less than Forty-five (45) years of age at the time of the award for scholarly study outside of Australia intended to lead to a book relating to dramatic or non-dramatic English Literature of the sixteenth or seventeenth centuries.

Applicants must demonstrate an outstanding record of scholarship. They must outline a program of scholarly study outside Australia, leading to a book relating to dramatic or non-dramatic English literature of the sixteenth or seventeenth centuries. It is recommended that the applicant seek some kind of formal affiliation with a relevant library or university. Fellowship funds will be paid in quarterly installments providing that the committee is satisfied with the progress of the candidate who will submit quarterly reports.

For further details and eligibility visit: http://arts.unimelb.edu.au/award/sernest-sprott-fellowship
Enquiries: artsprizes-info@unimelb.edu.au or ph: (03) 9035 4317.

Closing Date: Monday, 19 May 2014
Edit: The closing date for applications for The S. Ernest Sprott Fellowship has been extended to Monday 16 June 2014.
Approximate value: $40,000