Graduate Conference of Magdalene Medievalists Society 2012 – Call For Papers

Medieval Multilingualism in the British Isles
Graduate Conference of Magdalene Medievalists Society 2012
Magdalene College, Cambridge, Saturday 21st July, 2012
Conference Website

Keynote Speaker: Dr Tony Hunt, St Peter’s College, Oxford

Call for papers – now open 

Abstract submission date: February 1 2012

We invite papers that address any aspect of the interaction between the speakers of different languages in the Middle Ages, including, but not limited to:

  • attitudes to the tres linguae sacrae and to the vernaculars
  • pedagogy and medieval perceptions of language acquistion
  • translation
  • orality and its depictions
  • medieval views of linguistic history
  • code-switching, miscellanies and scribal practice

Submissions acepted from graduate students and early career scholars in English and other languages and literatures, History, Linguistics, and all related disciplines. Papers should be no more than 20 minutes in length; please send abstracts of 250 words or less to Sara Harris at by February 1st, 2012.