Medieval Association of the Pacific: John F. Benton Award – Applications Open

The John F. Benton Award

This award, named in honor of its progenitor, John F. Benton, MAP President 1982-1984, provides travel funds for all members of the Medieval Association of the Pacific–independent medievalists and graduate students in particular–who might not otherwise receive support from institutions.

The award may be used to defray costs connected with delivering a paper at any conference, especially for MAP conferences, or connected to scholarly research. Up to three awards will be presented each year, for $400 apiece. Applications should include a one-page vita, an abstract of a paper submitted to the conference, and a photocopy of the Call for Papers or conference announcement; if the application is for travel to research, it should include a one-page vita, and a letter outlining the research project. Send applications via email attachment by January 5, 2012 to the vice president of the Association, Anita Obermeier:

For more information about the award and MAP visit the grants page at the MAP website.