Medievalism in Australian Cultural Memory

The Medievalism in Australian Cultural Memory project provides the first long-range analysis of Australian cultural responses to the medieval period, and the first comparative study of Australia’s relationship with international medievalism. It examines how Australians have used references to the medieval past, both favourable and hostile, to articulate our complex relations to European tradition and our aspirations to a distinctive national culture.

The Medievalism in Australian Cultural Memory database is a resource which aims to facilitate research by providing access to an abundance of digital resources in a user-friendly environment. The materials on this database have been organised into four major categories which cover a variety of original approaches to medievalism’s impact on the development of Australian cultural identity. They are:

  • Medievalism at the Foundations: This collection focuses on discourses about, debates over, and changing interpretations of Australia’s medievalist political and religious institutions and rituals, its architecture, and its civic environment. 
  • Medievalism in the Classroom: This collection traces the development of academic medievalism in Australia’s universities and other educational institutions. 
  • Medievalism on the Page: This collection examines literary medievalism from the mid-nineteenth century to the present day. 
  • Medievalism on the Streets: This collection examines popular medievalism in material and public culture and spaces from the mid-nineteenth century to the present.

Through these categories, the Medievalism in Australian Cultural Memory digital repository aims to enhance public understandings of our British and European heritage in the context of contemporary debates about globalisation, republicanism, the monarchy, and ethnic and cultural diversity.



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