XII International Symposium of Societas Celtologica Nordica – Call For Papers

XII International Symposium of Societas Celtologica Nordica
The Finnish Society for Celtic Studies (SFKS)
Helsinki, Finland – 11-13 June 2012. 
Papers are invited for the XII International Symposium of Societas Celtologica Nordica organised by the Finnish Society for Celtic Studies in Helsinki, 11-13 June 2012. Papers will be 20 minutes in length and may deal with any aspect of Celtic studies. Proposals for thematic sessions are also welcomed. Abstracts (max 200 words) and/or proposals for sessions should be sent by the end of February 2012 by e-mail attachment to the symposium secretary at isscn@sfks.org.
The keynote speakers of the symposium include: Dr Maire Ni­ Mhaonaigh (Cambridge University), Prof Tom O’Loughlin (University of Nottingham), Prof Peter Schrijver (Utrecht University) and Dr Jane Webster (Newcastle University).
For further information on the symposium and the society, visit www.sfks.org.
Enquiries to organisers can be directed preferably by e-mail to isscn@sfks.org or by phone to Katja Ritari (+358 40 7249213) or Riitta Latvio (+358 40 9631774).