International Celtic Studies Postgraduate Seminar 2012 – Call For Papers

International Celtic Studies Postgraduate Seminar 2012
Philipps-University of Marburg, Germany, August 17-19 2012
Seminar Website

From August 17–19 2012, the International Celtic Studies Postgraduate Seminar will be held at Philipps-University of Marburg, Germany. Aimed at international postgraduate students of Celtic Studies this seminar offers the opportunity to present and discuss current research interests or thesis projects.

Papers covering the whole range of Celtic Studies, including, but not limited to, archaeology, cultural studies, linguistics, literature, medieval history, are invited.

Opening with a plenary lecture on Friday evening, sessions will be held on Saturday and Sunday. This seminar provides young scholars with a chance to meet and connect.

A call for papers has been issued and closing date for paper proposals is March 1st 2012. Proposals can be submitted via the electronic form found on the Seminar Website. Should you experience any difficulties filling out the form, please send your proposal via e-mail to