KITLV post-doctoral fellowship: Medical History in Early-Modern Southeast Asia – Call For Applications

KITLV post-doctoral fellowship
Medical History in Early-Modern Southeast Asia

Closing date for applications: 1 May 2012

Research focus

KITLV has established a scholarship for the study of Early-Modern Southeast Asia (EMSA), which is roughly defined as the period between the fifteenth century and the beginning of the Age of Modern Imperialism, around 1870. KITLV is looking for a historian, specialized in Southeast Asian medical history, who will participate in the KITLV project History of Health, Disease and Medicine in Southeast Asia, starting 1 July 2012.

Terms and conditions

  • KITLV invites scholars who have obtained a PhD to apply for this Postdoc position.
  • The beneficiary of an EMSA scholarship is expected to conduct his/ her project primarily at KITLV, and to prepare a substantial publication.
  • The fellowship is tenable for three months for Dutch scholars or six months for non-Dutch scholars.
  • In principle, candidates from outside the Netherlands will be expected to reside in the Netherlands during a period of 4 to 6 months.

Supervision will be provided by Prof. Peter Boomgaard, senior researcher KITLV.


The fellowship amounts to:

  • three months at € 3,000 (maximum gross salary) for Dutch scholars (appointment).
  • six months at € 2,500 (stipend) per month and an economy class return ticket for non-Dutch scholars to KITLV, Leiden, the Netherlands.

All expenditure will have to be covered from this sum, including local transport, housing, insurance, and research costs. The fellow will be given research and office facilities at KITLV, will have access to the collections, and is expected to participate in the researchers’ seminars.

Invitation to apply

Applications for the 2012 scholarship should include:
• A Curriculum Vitae
• A brief (2-3 page) research proposal
• A proposed timetable

Closing date for application

Applications should be sent before 1 May 2012 to Prof. Henk Schulte Nordholt, Head of Research at KITLV (

This advertisement can be viewed online here.