Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions: 2012 Adelaide Seminar Series

The ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, Europe 1100-1800 is hosting a series of lectures at participating Universities across Australia.

The following seminars may be of interest to ANZAMEMS members.

2012 Adelaide Seminar Series
Time: Fridays, 1.00-2.00pm
Venue: Napier 420, The University of Adelaide

More details about each session can be found by clicking on the individual link:

18 May, 2012
Dr Alison Scott – “The Emotional Significance of Luxury in Early Modern Satire”

1 June, 2012
Dr Catherine Kovesi – “Women, Lust, and Sacred Space in early modern Italy”

Enquiries: Janet Hart Tel: +61 8 8313 2421