UQ Postdoctoral Research Fellowships – Call For Applications

The University of Queensland invites applications for a limited number of Postdoctoral Research Fellowships commencing in 2013, to be awarded to persons wishing to conduct full-time research at the University in any of its disciplines. In particular, the scheme aims to attract outstanding recent doctoral graduates to the University in areas of institutional research priority.

Applications must be received by the appropriate School, Centre or Institute by 28 May 2012.

For full details and all related documentation please visit the following website: http://www.uq.edu.au/research/rid/grants-internal-postdoc

For further information please contact:
Matt Browne,
Administration Officer, Grants (Internal Schemes).
Email: UQFellowships@research.uq.edu.au
Phone: +61 07 3346 9016.