Visual Culture in Early Modernity – Call For Books

Information on submitting a manuscript for Ashgate’s Visual Culture in Early Modernity series has been released.

Series Editor: Allison Levy

A forum for the critical inquiry of the visual arts in the early modern world, Visual Culture in Early Modernity promotes new models of inquiry and new narratives of early modern art and its history. We welcome proposals for monographs and essay collections which consider the cultural production and reception of images and objects.

The range of topics covered in this series includes, but is not limited to, painting, sculpture and architecture as well as material objects, such as domestic furnishings, religious and/or ritual accessories, costume, scientific and/or medical apparata, erotica, ephemera and printed matter. We seek innovative investigations of western and non-western visual culture produced between 1400 and 1800.

Information on submitting a manuscript

Proposals should take the form of either

  1. a preliminary letter of inquiry, briefly describing the project; or
  2. a formal prospectus including: abstract, brief statement of your critical methodology, table of contents, sample chapter, estimate of length (NB, in words, pls), estimate of the number and type of illustrations to be included, and a c.v.

Please send a copy of either type of proposal to the publisher:

Erika Gaffney

Ashgate Publishing Company
101 Cherry Street
Suite 420
Burlington, VT  05401-4405  USA

To view this call for books online please visit: