Medieval Celtic Law Texts Conference – Call For Papers

Medieval Celtic Law Texts: a framework for scholarly, legal and social development
University of Sydney
25 and 26 October, 2012

Submissions are invited for scholarly papers (of twenty minutes’ duration) addressing any aspect of Celtic law in the early or Medieval period. Abstracts of up to 250 words should be sent by email to Dr Pamela O’Neill:

The final date for abstracts to be received will be Monday 30 July 2012. Acceptances will be announced on Monday 6 August 2012, when a preliminary programme for the conference will be circulated. Any potential contributor who requires an earlier acceptance (e.g. for funding applications) should include a request with the submission.

To be added to the conference mailing list, please contact Dr O’Neill as above. Further information about the conference will also be available, from time to time, on the University of Sydney Celtic Studies website:

The conference fee will be 200 Australian dollars for regular participants and 100 dollars for students and unwaged participants. Further information, including how and when to pay, will be available with the preliminary programme in August.

Contributors to the conference will be invited to submit their papers for peer-reviewed publication in the conference volume to be published by the University of Sydney Celtic Studies Foundation.