Sederi: Yearbook of the Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies – Call For Papers

Sederi: Yearbook of the Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies, is an annual publication devoted to current criticism and scholarship on English Renaissance Studies. It is peer-reviewed by external referees, following a double-blind policy. Sederi publishes articles, notes and reviews on topics related to the language, literature, and culture of sixteenth and seventeenth-century England.

Sederi is indexed in the Web Of Science And The Arts & Humanities Citation Index. It is short-listed among the top-quality journals published in all scientific areas by the FECYT (Spanish Repository for Science and Technology) and is officially recognised for the Spanish research assessment.

Sederi welcomes contributions for its next issue (nº 23) to be published in autumn 2013.

Submissions should be emailed to the editors in Word/RTF format no later than 31 October 2012. Authors will receive notice of acceptance by the end of January 2013.

Please omit any personal information in the file of your paper. Send the following details in a separate file or in the text of the email: name, affiliation, title of contribution, postal and email address and telephone number.

Recommended length of contributions:

  • Articles: 6000–8000 words (including footnotes and references).
  • Notes: 3000–5000 words (including footnotes and references). Notes should be pieces of research focusing on a specific point, not needing a broad theoretical or contextual elaboration.
  • Reviews: 1000–2000 words. Books, plays, or films reviewed should have been released in the last two years.

Note that all the submitted articles and notes should include an abstract (length: 100-150 words) and at least 5 keywords. Both the abstract and the keywords should convey the essential aspects of your contribution. They will be published in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Email articles and notes to Berta Cano & Ana Sáez:
Email reviews to Francisco José Borge López:

All the texts submitted must follow the Style Sheet found on the Sederi website:

We do not consider articles that have been published elsewhere (either in print or internet) or are under simultaneous consideration with another publisher. Only original research pieces are published by Sederi, please do not submit translations.

Berta Cano-Echevarría
Ana Sáez-Hidalgo
Francisco José Borge López
Editors of Sederi Yearbook

Dpto. de Filología Inglesa
Universidad de Valladolid
Pza. del Campus s/n
47011 Valladolid (Spain)