Print Networks Conference 2013 – Call For Papers

Print Networks Conference 2013
University of Chichester

23rd-25th July 2013

Theme: Travel, Topography, and the Book Trade

Guest speakers: Professor Bill Bell (Cardiff University) and Anthony Payne (Anthony Payne Rare Books & Manuscripts).

The thirty-first Print Networks Conference on the History of the British book trade will take place at the University of Chichester on 23rd-25th July 2013.

Due to the proximity of the conference venue to the south coast, ‘Travel, Topography and the Book Trade’ has been chosen as the theme for the conference. The theme is broadly defined, and any papers relating to the production, distribution and reception of texts and images about travel, imagined and real, from the Middle Ages to the modern era will be considered. Papers on travelling and migrating practitioners of the book trade, the physical movement of texts and travelling printing technology are also welcome. The geographical scope for the conference is Britain and the Anglophone world. Papers should be of 30 minutes’ duration.

An abstract of the offered paper should be submitted (preferably via email) by 31st January 2013 to Catherine Armstrong:

Or by post to:

Dept. of History, Politics, and Philosophy
Manchester Metropolitan University
Geoffrey Manton Building Rosamund Street West,
Manchester M15 6LL

The Print Networks Conference also offers an annual fellowship to a postgraduate scholar whose research falls within the parameters of the conference brief, and who wishes to present a paper at the conference. The fellowship covers the cost of attending the conference and some assistance towards costs of travel. A summary of the research being undertaken accompanied by a letter of recommendation from a tutor or supervisor should be sent to the above address by 31st January 2013.

The papers presented will be considered for publication; details to follow at the conference. It is understood that papers offered to the conference will be original work and not delivered to any similar body before presentation at this conference.

En-suite accommodation will be provided on the Bishop Otter campus of the University of Chichester. In addition to a full programme of papers, there will be a conference dinner and a visit to the special collections of the University of Chichester library.