Third RefoRC (The Reformation Research Consortium) Conference – Call For Papers

Third RefoRC (The Reformation Research Consortium) Conference
Interdisciplinary Centre ‘Middle Ages – Renaissance – Early Modern Period’
Freie Universität Berlin
May 16-18, 2013

Conference Website

The Third RefoRC (The Reformation Research Consortium) Conference will be held in Berlin May 16-18, 2013 at the Interdisciplinary Centre ‘Middle Ages – Renaissance – Early Modern Period’ of the Freie Universität Berlin.

The conference is open to individual short paper presentations (20 minutes presentation, 10 minutes discussion) and to thematic sessions of two or three short papers. While we encourage papers on the theme of the plenary papers “Anthropological Reformations – Anthropology in the Era of Reformation”, papers can focus on all disciplines related to the 16th century reformations, such as arts, philosophy, law, history, theology etc., independent of the theme of the plenary papers.

Short paper proposals can be submitted before February 15, 2013.

Plenary papers:

  • Klaus Bergdolt (Cologne): Medicine and Italian Humanism in the Early 16th Century
  • Jutta Eming ( Berlin): Embodied Knowledge in the ‘Historia D. Johann Fausten’
  • Wolfgang Fuhrmann (Vienna): Heart and Voice – A Musical Anthropology in the Age of Reformation
  • Ronnie Po-chia Hsia (Penn State): Ethnography in the Catholic Overseas Missions: the Emergence of a Religious and Racial Anthropology in the Early Modern World
  • Andrew James Johnston( Berlin): Reformation Robin Hood: Popular Theatre and the Religious Politics of the Shakespearean Stage
  • Risto Saarinen (Helsinki): Weakness of Will: Reformation Anthropology between Aristotle and the Stoa
  • Notger Slenczka (Berlin): “Theologiae proprium subiectum est homo …” (Luther). Shifts in the Structure of Theological Systems in the Wake of Reformation
  • Anna Vind (Copenhagen): Faith and Emotions in the Human Being according to Luther
  • Johann Verberckmoes ( Leuven): When Emotions Affect Bodies: Theories of the Passions in the Era of Reformation
  • Elke Anna Werner (Berlin): Law and Grace. Pictorial Reflections on the Visualization of the Invisible and the Reordering of Faith by Lucas Cranach

For information and registration please visit: or contact Herman Selderhuis, director at or Hannah Wälzholz, coordinator at