Amaltea, Journal of Myth Criticism: Apocalypse – Call For Papers

Amaltea. Journal of Myth Criticism requests original contributions that address the myth of the End of the World in the context of contemporaneity (20th and 21st centuries), or that deal with the reception of ancient, medieval and modern texts on the myth of Apocalypse in contemporary literature and art (20th and 21st centuries).

Authors are free to choose whatever texts, literary genres or epistemological treatment they consider suitable for their study. Articles may discuss plastic, musical and performance arts. The coordinating team of this thematic issue will favour articles that adhere to these parameters: adequate topic, myth critical approach, scientific methodology (critical and bibliographical apparatus), originality, quality of content and clarity of expression.

Articles must conform to the journal’s submission guidelines. Articles on the reception of other myths or mythical themes in contemporary literature will also be considered for publication in the Miscellany section of the journal. We also accept reviews on publications or events related to mythology.

For more information, please visit here.