Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship:- 2013 Best Article Prize – Call For Applications

The Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship announces the 2013 competition for the Best Article on Feminist Scholarship on the Middle Ages. The Prize alternates every other year between a published essay and a first book, in any area of medieval studies that focuses on feminist scholarship. Nominated articles should represent the best in feminist scholarship published in 2011 and 2012. Submissions are considered for their relative merit to the study of women and feminist values in Medieval Studies.

The prize, which includes an award of $300, will be announced at the SMFS annual meeting and reception at the 2013 International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, MI. Self-nominations are acceptable. Please send electronic copies of nominated essays (if available), along with a brief cover letter summarizing the essay’s merits and contributions, by February 15, 2013 to:

Dr. Wendy Hoofnagle