International Medieval Meeting Lleida 2013

International Medieval Meeting Lleida 2013
University of Lleida, Spain
26-28 June, 2013

The International Medieval Meeting Lleida will be held between 26 June and 28 June, 2013, at the University of Lleida, Spain. Some of the leading medievalists from across the globe will take part in four congresses which focus on various key aspects of medieval history, art history, archaeology, literature and language. Specialists in a wide range of aspects of Medieval Studies will introduce their research at this meeting, while others will present sessions, individual papers and posters on different aspects of research in the history of the Middle Ages. There will also be sessions dedicated to the promotion and management of research, the application of new technologies in the Humanities and the promotion of historical heritage. Furthermore, there will be important presentations concerning the publication and dissemination of research in medieval history.

Enrolment open for papers and sessions until 15 March 2013.
Enrolment open for attendees until 25 June 2013.

For more information, please, visit