Five Fellowships in Data Curation for Medieval Studies – Call For Applications

Five Fellowships in Data Curation for Medieval Studies
CLIR/DLF Postdoctoral Fellowship in Data Curation for Medieval Studies

The CLIR/DLF Postdoctoral Fellowship in Data Curation for Medieval Studies is an expansion of the CLIR Postdoctoral Fellowship Program in Academic Libraries. These five, fully-funded fellowships will provide recent Ph.D.s with professional development, education, and training opportunities in data curation for Medieval Studies. Through this program, CLIR seeks to raise awareness and build capacity for sound data management practice throughout the academy.

Each fellowship is two year appointment, with a $60,000 salary, plus benefits, and a yearly travel and research stipend. Fellows will be placed at five institutions in the United States and Canada: Johns Hopkins, North Carolina State University, Stanford University, University of Texas at Austin, University of Toronto.

Note: Review of applications is already underway, but applications will be accepted until all positions are filled.

For more information about each post, and to apply visit: