Louis Marder Shakespeare Centre Scholarship – Call For Applications

The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
The Louis Marder Shakespeare Centre Scholarship 2013

Are you studying Shakespeare at college, university, or for leisure? Are you going to be using the archives or library of The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust? You might be interested in applying for the Louis Marder Shakespeare Centre Scholarship (or recommending it to a friend).

This annual scholarship of £1,000 will be awarded to ‘a worthy Shakespearian currently pursuing a Ph.D. or similar study, who pledges to produce an original, publishable article on a previously approved literary, historical, or biographical topic about William Shakespeare (as opposed to character analysis or authorship studies) from The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Library or Archives, approved by The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust’s assigned authorities, within two years of the accepted funds. The intent of the award is to inspire, stimulate, and promote archival scholarship.’

More details about the scholarship can be found at the following entry at the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust blog, Blogging Shakespeare: http://bloggingshakespeare.com/louis-marder-shakespeare-centre-scholarship.

The deadline for submissions is Tuesday 23 April. The winner will be informed on Friday 17 May.