Postgraduate Advanced Training Seminar: The Literary Biography of Emotion: The Passion of Authorial Possession

ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions
Postgraduate Advanced Training Seminar
The Literary Biography of Emotion: The Passion of Authorial Possession
Date: August 16 – 17, 2013
Location: Riverview Room, Emmanuel College (on the UQ campus), Sir William Macgregor Drive, St Lucia, Q 4067
Presenter: Dr Gordon Turnbull, General Editor, Yale Editions of the Private Papers of James Boswell

This advanced research seminar surveys representative moments in the historical trajectory of English literary biography, the specialized subset of life-writing in which writers seek to author the lives of other writers. Pivoting on the developments pioneered by James Boswell (1740-1795), who converted his autobiographical diaries (so much the record of a ‘hypochondriack’, or depressive) into the monumental and still-controversial Life of Johnson (1791) that produced literature’s best-known permanent possessive (‘Boswell’s Johnson’), the seminar will look back to earlier practitioners (Izaak Walton, John Aubrey), and Johnson himself in his ‘Prefaces, Biographical and Critical’ (Lives of the Poets), forward to such nineteenth- and twentieth-century figures as Elizabeth Gaskell (The Life of Charlotte Bronte) and Richard Ellmann (James Joyce), and to contemporary developments in electronic and online forms of dispersal of the (auto)biographical subject as the outcomes of earlier versions of celebrity culture and the consequent imitative longing for personal fame. Attention will be given to the emergence of biographical accounting in the propagandistic passions of the English Civil War, and to their after-echo in Johnson’s biographies of poets on emotionally opposite sides of it (Cowley and Milton,) to Boswell’s encounters with Adam Smith’s Scottish Enlightenment theories of ‘sympathy’ in The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759), and to the emotional investments attached to the emergence of the modern professionalised literary biographer.

This seminar is open to Australian postgraduate students, and will be of particular interest to those working in the fields of English Literature, History, Intellectual History, Life-Writing, and Eighteenth-Century Studies. Early career researchers are also welcome to apply for a place in the seminar. Some preliminary reading will be required; see over for details.

Places for this advanced research seminar are strictly limited. To apply, please email the following documents to Penny Boys:
* An academic curriculum vitae, maximum two pages;
* A one-page cover letter describing your research interests and explaining how the seminar will benefit your research; and
* A brief academic reference (from a supervisor or senior colleague).
Applications close 24 May 2013
Limited financial support is available for students and researchers traveling from the greater Queensland area and interstate, and will be allocated on a competitive basis. If you wish to be considered for such support, please make a note of this in your cover letter.

Seminar Readings (Preliminary):
– James Boswell, London Journal 1762-1763 (Penguin edition, 2010)
– James Boswell, Life of Samuel Johnson LL.D. (selections)
– Samuel Johnson, ‘Life of Cowley’, ‘Life of Milton’ (in Lives of the Poets); Rambler Essay 60; Idler Essay 84.
– Elizabeth Gaskell, The Life of Charlotte Brontë (selections)
– Richard Ellmann, James Joyce (selections)

Contact: Penny Boys at