John Gower Society: Third Annual Congress – Call For Papers

John Gower Society – Third Annual Congress
“John Gower: Language, Cognition, and Performance” University of Rochester, New York
30 June-3 July, 2014

Conference Website

The Congress title, “John Gower: Language, Cognition, and Performance,” defines a wide focus: “Language,” in all its many aspects, and languages, translations, specialized discourses, dialects, idiolects, and influences, as well as manuscript printed, and digital texts—and Digital Humanities, generally, with application to Gower; “Cognition,” including medieval memory and ideational theory, cognitive science, mental (and physical) health and models of therapy, general modes of perception and more specialized (e.g., Gower and suffering, political, salvific and emotive discourses—”Gower and the non- / supra-human world”); “Performance,” anticipating sessions on performance and performance theory, on the staging of ideas, on philosophy (people/characters “staged” by deeds and choices, etc.), narrativity.

Plenary speakers will include:

  • Derek Pearsall, Gurney Professor of English Literature emeritus, Harvard University
  • Russell A. Peck, John Hall Deane Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature, University of Rochester
  • Ardis Butterfield, Senior Research Scholar, Yale University

Those who would like to present papers at the Congress should send a one-paragraph abstract (150 words) by July 1, 2013 to the organizer(s) at the following email addresses:

All proposals are welcome! Please indicate any specific audio-visual/digital needs. Congress organizers will select papers and reply to all submitters by July 15, 2013.

Alternatively, submissions may be sent to anty of the approved sessions listed at the conference website: Please email the session organiser/s directly.