Emotions in Curation Workshop – Call For Applications

The Institute of Advanced Studies at UWA, and the ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions present:

Emotions in Curation workshop 

Date: Monday 16 September
Time: 12-2pm
Venue: The University of Western Australia
Practitioners-in Residence:
Michael McGinnes, Collections Manager, Stirling Smith Art Gallery and Museum
Lesley Botten, Display Design & Activities Curator, Dunfermline Museum & Art Gallery

In this seminar, CHE Practitioners-In-Residence discuss the role of emotions in curating urban collections for contemporary audiences. Two current museum and art gallery curators explore the selection of objects and the strong emotional currents that underpin visitor experiences. How do collections and their managers create a sense of intimate or remote access to particular artefacts through their position, placement and assemblage with other objects, and what are the distinct feelings that these approaches generate? Interested honours, postgraduate, and staff very welcome. Time for questions and group discussion is planned. Places are strictly limited. RSVP for registration by 9 September 2013 (or until filled) to sarah.finn@uwa.edu.au. Bring your own lunch, and join us for this intriguing seminar.

For more information, please visit: http://www.historyofemotions.org.au/upcoming-events/emotions-in-curation.aspx