The Medieval Academy of America Annual Meeting, 2014 – Call For Papers

2014 Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America
UCLA, Los Angeles
10-12 April 2014 

Conference Website

The 2014 Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy of America will be held jointly with the Medieval Association of the Pacific on 10-12 April, in Los Angeles at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and hosted by the UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies.
The Program Committee invites proposals for papers on all topics and in all disciplines and periods of medieval studies. Any member of the Medieval Academy may submit a paper proposal, excepting those who presented papers at the annual meetings of the Medieval Academy in 2012 and 2013; others may submit proposals as well but must become members in order to present papers at the meeting. Special consideration can be given to individuals whose specialty would not normally involve membership in the Medieval Academy.

The complete Call for Papers with additional information, submission procedures, selections guidelines, and organizers is available here.

Deadline for submission is 15 June 2013.

Please contact Prof. Massimo Ciavolella at UCLA, if you have any questions.