Shakespeare Bulletin: Conference and special issue on Derek Jarman and the Renaissance – Call For Papers

Conference and special issue: Early Modern Jarman and Derek Jarman and the ‘Renaissance’

2014 will mark the twentieth anniversary of Derek Jarman’s death on 19 February 1994. To commemorate the artist’s life-long engagement with early modern drama and culture in his films, set designs, art and writing, Shakespeare Bulletin will be supporting a symposium on Early Modern Jarman. Scheduled for 1 February 2014 at King’s College, London, the symposium is jointly organised by Pascale Aebischer (University of Exeter) and Gordon McMullan (King’s College, London).

Expressions of interest for participation in the symposium should be sent to Pascale Aebischer at and Gordon McMullan at by 8 November 2013. Proposals from PhD students working in all appropriate fields (early modern studies, film studies, art history, etc.) are especially welcome.

The Fall 2014 issue of Shakespeare Bulletin, guest edited by Catherine Silverstone, is linked to the symposium and dedicated to Derek Jarman and ‘the Renaissance.’ We invite submissions on topics including Jarman as artistic polymath and ‘Renaissance man;’ Jarman’s adaptations and appropriations of early modern texts, images and historical figures, especially in relation to sexuality, gender, desire, disability, illness/wellness, HIV/AIDS, injury and trauma, national identity, punk, activism and politics; relationships between ‘the Renaissance’ and ‘the present;’ ‘the Renaissance,’ tradition and heritage.

Proposals of up to 300 words for 6000-word essays should be sent to the special issue guest editor, Catherine Silverstone,, by 8 November 2013.