Urban Culture and Ideologies in Medieval and Early Modern Europe – Call For Papers

Urban Culture and Ideologies in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: c.1100‐1600
Massey University, Albany Campus, Auckland, New Zealand
Thursday 30‐Friday 31 January, 2014

This conference will focus on the textual traditions of the urban world: the literature of all kinds produced in the urban context, from chronicles to song, illumination to speech acts. Its main theme is notions of ‘urbanity’. What is ‘urban’ about ‘urban culture’? In what ways did urbanity contribute to cultural and ideological sign systems in political speech, historiography, literature, the visual arts and music? How did the production and reception of chronicles shape urban identity – or identities?

Speakers include:

  • Tracy Adams (University of Auckland)
  • Mark Amsler (University of Auckland)
  • Jan Dumolyn (University of Ghent)
  • Constant Mews (Monash University)
  • James Murray (Western Michigan University)
  • Johan Oosterman (Radboud University, Nijmegen)
  • Kim Phillips (University of Auckland)

If you would like to give a paper, please submit an abstract to Tina Sheehan, t.m.sheehan@massey.ac.nz

Senior scholars and postgraduate students are equally welcome.

If you would like to register attendance at the conference, please do so on the website, http://urbanculture.massey.ac.nz

Abstract submission and early‐bird registration closes 6 December 2013.

If you have any queries please contact: Dr Andrew Brown, School of Humanities, Massey University A.D.Brown@massey.ac.nz