Understanding and Using Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts PATS – Call For Applications

Understanding and Using Medieval and Early Modern Manuscripts
Postgraduate Advanced Training Seminar (PATS)
University of Western Australia, Perth
27-28 November 2013
The Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies at UWA will host a Postgraduate Advanced Training Seminar (PATS) on 27/28 November 2013. This is timed to precede the conference ‘Textuality, Technology, and Materiality in the Medieval and Early Modern World’ to be held at the University of Western Australia, Perth, 29-30 November 2013.
This two-day event will comprise hands-on work with manuscripts and incunables held at UWA, and will cover palaeography, scribal practice, material features of manuscripts, and the technology of the book.

We are most fortunate to have secured the services of the internationally renowned manuscript scholar, Professor Michelle Brown, Curator of Illuminated Manuscripts at the British Library (1986-2004), and now Professor of Medieval Manuscript Studies at the School of Advanced Study, University of London. Prof. Brown will coordinate the PATS, with contributions by UWA experts in palaeography, editing, and the technology of the book.
This PATS is generously sponsored by ANZAMEMS to provide travel and accommodation bursaries for Postgraduates and Early Career Researchers who wish to attend the PATS and the associated 2-day conference.
ANZAMEMS sponsorship means that there will be no registration fee for the PATS, but bursaries for travel and accommodation are restricted to members of the association. Student and unwaged membership fees are a very reasonable $36.30, and can be paid online at: http://www.anzamems.arts.uwa.edu.au/membership
If you wish to apply for an ANZAMEMS bursary for the PATS and linked conference, please apply by 1 September 2013. Applications, no longer than 400 words, should contain:
  1. Proof of status as postgraduate student (PG) or early career researcher (ECR)
  2. Reasons for wishing to attend
  3. Current research interests
  4. Endorsement by supervisor (PGs) or senior colleague (ECRs)
Please address applications, by email, to Dr Anne Scott: anne.scott@uwa.edu.au