International Shakespeare: Translation, Adaptation, and Performance – Call For Papers

International Shakespeare: Translation, Adaptation, and Performance 
University of Massachusetts Amherst
March 8-9, 2014

Conference Website

The Translation Center in partnership with The Massachusetts Center for Interdisciplinary Renaissance Studies, co-sponsored by the English Department and the Comparative Literature Program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, invite scholars to its first annual conference, “International Shakespeare: Translation, Adaptation, and Performance,” on March 8-9, 2014.

Paper proposals are welcome on a number of topics: case studies of translation, production, imitation or reception of Shakespeare worldwide, as well as on the impact of these phenomena on the interpretation of Shakespeare’s texts. The conference can integrate theories of identity, political perspectives, translation, readership, reception and censorship. Please submit 250-500 word abstracts to Marie Roche ( and/or Edwin Gentzler ( by Jan. 15, 2014.