Landmarks in Printing: from Origins to the Digital Age – Call For Papers

Landmarks in Printing: from Origins to the Digital Age
St Bride Library, London
13-14 November 2014

In 2014, the Printing Historical Society will commemorate its fiftieth anniversary and its role in the encouragement of printing history. To celebrate this milestone, the Society will host several events, foremost of which is a two-day conference on the theme of ‘Landmarks in Printing: from origins to the digital age’.

The Society invites papers that cover all aspects of the printing arts and industry, including the cultural, practical and technical achievements of the craft. It is anticipated that papers will consider not only the history of the subject, but also its theory and practice and will be drawn from a wide body of speakers that may include printers, graphic designers, typographers, publishers, papermakers, librarians, collectors, booksellers, bookbinders and historians of all relevant fields.

Papers are welcome from scholars, practitioners or students. Applicants should submit a 300-word proposal in Word format, together with a short curriculum vitae. All applications and questions to PHS Honorary Secretary, Francis Cave:

Closing date: 12:00-noon, 28 February, 2014.