Daily Archives: 17 October 2023

Folger Institute Fellowships

Each year the Folger Institute awards research fellowships to create a high-powered, multidisciplinary community of inquiry. This community of researchers may come from different fields, and their projects may find different kinds of expression. But our researchers share cognate interests in the history and literature, art and performance, philosophy, religion, and politics of the early modern world. 

The Folger Institute offers five, long-term fellowships at $70,000 for the 2024-2025 academic year (approximately $7,777 per month, for a standard period of 9 months). These fellowships are designed to support full-time scholarly work on significant research projects that draw on the strengths of the Folger’s collections and programs.

Please note, for the 2024-25 fellowship year, long-term fellows will have the option to take up to 3 months of their 9-month fellowship virtually. This virtual time may be taken at any point in the fellowship and does not have to be taken concurrently. Applicants may propose any research schedule that best fits their project’s needs.

The deadline for Long-term fellowship applications is December 15, 2023.


Short-term fellowships support scholars whose work would benefit from significant primary research for one, two, or three months, with a monthly stipend of $4,000. These fellowships are designed to support a concentrated period of full-time work on research projects that draw on the strengths of the Folger’s collections and programs.

For the 2024-25 fellowship year, short-term fellows will have the option to take their fellowship fully onsite, fully virtual, or a combination of the two. Applicants may propose any research schedule that best fits their project’s needs.

The deadline for short-term fellowship applications is January 15, 2024.


Annual Hobart Latin Summer School



15 – 19 JANUARY, 2024


Latin is arguably the mother tongue of Europe. Its literature is immensely rich. In a sense it never died; original work continues to be written in Latin up to modern times. This course will offer a general introduction to Latin with particular emphasis on the enormous body of medieval and later literature. We shall read original passages of Scripture, liturgy, history, theology and poetry, both secular and secular. There will also be an introduction to palaeography, including an opportunity to handle original medieval manuscripts. There will be a strong emphasis on the pronunciation of Latin in speech and music.

The course us designed for students who already have some Latin, but determined absolute beginners should purchase a self-instruction primer and work on the basics between now and the start of the course. Participants will never be embarrassed by their shaky Latin: the teaching method leaves the entire task of translation and exposition to the Lecturer. This approach has been useful to relative beginners as well as those who are more experienced. The instructor is Dr David Daintree.

Where: Notre Dame Priory, Colebrook
When: Monday 15 January to Friday 19 January 2024
Time: 9.00 am to 3.00 pm each day for five days
Cost: $350.00. Tea and coffee and lunch will be provided daily.
Accommodation with all meals at the Priory’s guest house, Bethany, may be available at an additional charge of $100 per day.
Registrations are essential: email director@dawsoncentre.org.

There will be four lectures a day on each of the five days, from Monday 15 to Friday 19, starting at 9.00 am. There will be only one lecture after lunch each day, to free up the afternoons for private study.

• Liturgy and Scripture.
• Latin prose narrative: including passages from the Venerable Bede, St Brendan, Peter Abelard, Isidore of Seville, Robert Grosseteste
• Hymns, sequences and religious poetry, including works by St Ambrose, Venantius Fortunatus, Adam of St Victor, and St Thomas Aquinas.
• Secular Poetry, including songs from the Carmina Burana.
• The Classical tradition, starting with passages from Virgil.
• Theology and Patristics: St Augustine, Boethius, St Thomas Aquinas, St Benedict, St Patrick and Thomas a Kempis.
• Palaeography – handling and interpreting manuscripts.

Participants should bring both a grammar and a small dictionary to class each day.
Any Latin Primer designed for self-instruction can be used, but F Kinchin Smith’s Teach Yourself Latin (out of print, but copies are available from www.abebooks.com) is particularly recommended. A free digitised version is available at https://archive.org/details/TeachYourselfLatin_201810/mode/2up.

All proceeds from this course go to the Priory and the Christopher Dawson Centre (http://www.dawsoncentre.org).

For further information contact director@dawsoncentre.org.

Annual Hobart NT Greek Summer School


22 – 26 JANUARY, 2024


This five-day intensive school is for beginners who want to experience the excitement of reading parts of the Bible and early Christian literature in the original language.  We shall read extracts from the Gospel and Epistles, as well as some important passages from the Septuagint (the ancient Greek version of the Old Testament), as well as some pieces from the early Fathers of the Church and the Liturgy of St John Chrysostom.  Accommodation at the Centre is available on request. We are trialling the Emmanuel Centre for the first time – it sounds ideal.  We would appreciate expressions of interest at this time.

This course is suitable for beginners, provided that they are willing to undertake preliminary work on the Greek alphabet (to be provided) before the course begins

Where: The Emmanuel Centre, 123 Abbott Street, Newstead, Launceston
When: Monday 22 January to Friday 26 January 2024
Time: 9.00 am to 3.00 pm each day for five days
Cost: $350 (pension concession available)
Registrations are essential: email Dr David Daintree dccdain@gmail.com

Some prior knowledge of Greek is not essential, but beginners should purchase a self-instruction primer (see below) and work on the basics between now and the start of the course.  It is particularly important to begin the course with a comfortable recognition knowledge of the Greek alphabet, otherwise learning even basic grammar and vocabulary will be frustrating and inefficient.  Alphabet recognition exercises will be sent to registered participants prior to the start of the course.  Participants will never be embarrassed if their Greek is imperfect: the teaching method leaves the entire task of translation and exposition to the Lecturer. This approach has been useful to relative beginners as well as those who are more experienced.

Each intending participant should purchase, as soon as possible, a primer of New Testament Greek.  There are many available, but a good choice is Gavin Betts, Complete New Testament Greek: A Comprehensive Guide to Reading and Understanding New Testament Greek with Original Texts.

The Lecturer is Dr David Daintree who founded the Annual Latin Summer School in Hobart in 1993.   Proceeds from this course will go to support The Christopher Dawson Centre.


There will be four lectures a day on each of the five days, starting at 9.00 am. There will be only one lecture after lunch each day, to free up the afternoons for private study.

To enrol and for further information contact David Daintree dccdain@gmail.com.