Daily Archives: 7 September 2023

Prizes and Bursaries: ANZAMEMS Conference 2024

The prizes and bursaries for ANZAMEMS 2024 in Canterbury, New Zealand are now open, these include:

  • George Yule Essay Prize
  • ANZAMEMS Conference Bursaries
  • ANZAMEMS Carer Bursaries
  • Kim Walker Postgraduate Travel Bursary
  • Maddern Crawford Network Conference Bursaries

Applications will close Friday 6 October 2023 (11:59pm AWST).

Guidelines and application Forms for the George Yule Prize and all the conference-related bursaries can be found on the ANZAMEMS website.

Details will also be updated shortly on the ANZAMEMS 2024 Conference website: https://www.anzamems2024.co.nz/.

Please note that there is only ONE application form for all the conference bursaries. If you wish to apply for more than one type of bursary, please use the same application form – do not submit multiple forms.

Should you have any questions, please contact info@anzamems.org

Member Publication: The Psychology of Avicenna – An English Version of the Liber de Anima

ANZAMEMS member Simon Kemp is pleased to announce the publication of The Psychology of Avicenna. In it, he presents a new translation of Avicenna’s Liber de Anima. The text was enormously influential on medieval thinking about psychology, and many of the ideas it contains have emerged or re-emerged in psychological research over the last fifty years.

The book will normally cost US $0.99 but is presently offered on AMAZON as a free download.