Category Archives: ANZAMEMS

ANZAMEMS–ARC Humanities Award for Original Research

The ARC Humanities and ANZAMEMS Book Prizes provide a gold open access scheme exclusively tailored to ANZAMEMS members.

The ANZAMEMS–ARC Humanities Award for Original Research is aimed at Early Career Researchers, including those completing their first books, and independent scholars. Where relevant, the winner of the Prize will benefit from ARC Humanities expert advice on converting a PhD thesis to a monograph.

The Prize consists of:
1. A book contract with ARC Humanities Press, and;
2. AUD$10,000, which is paid directly by ANZAMEMS to the Press to cover the costs of gold open access.

Entry for the 2022 ANZAMEMS–ARC Humanities Award for Original Research is now open and will close on 31 January 2022.

The selection panel for the 2022 Original Research Award consists of Andrew Brown, Anna Henderson, Megan Cassidy-Welch, Louise D’Arcens, and Susan Broomhall.

More details and eligibility requirements are available here.

Download a copy of the publication proposal form here.

Please send all completed Award proposals to: by the above deadline.

Please direct all queries regarding the Award to:

For further information on the prize please see the website.

ANZAMEMS Early Career Fellowship Program

ANZAMEMS is pleased to annouce the lanuch of its new ANZAMEMS Early Career Fellowship Program, which will provide flexible support and mentoring for research and publication to early career researchers in medieval studies, early modern studies, and medievalism.

The fellowship includes $3000 AUD of flexible funding for research and/or living expenses, and six months’ mentorship by a senior ANZAMEMS academic.

Applications for the 2022 ANZAMEMS Early Career Fellowship Program (to be taken up between 1 March 2022 – 28 February 2023) are open now, and close on Friday 14 January 2022.

For more details, see the ANZAMEMS website

ARC Humanities Prizes

These two ARC Humanities Prizes are open and will both close on 31 January 2022!

ANZAMEMS–ARC Humanities Award for Original Research

The ARC Humanities and ANZAMEMS Book Prizes provide a gold open access scheme exclusively tailored to ANZAMEMS members.

The ANZAMEMS–ARC Humanities Award for Original Research is aimed at Early Career Researchers, including those completing their first books, and independent scholars. Where relevant, the winner of the Prize will benefit from ARC Humanities expert advice on converting a PhD thesis to a monograph.

The Prize consists of:
A book contract with ARC Humanities Press, and; AUD$10,000, which is paid directly by ANZAMEMS to the Press to cover the costs of gold open access.

The selection panel for the 2022 Original Research Award consists of Andrew Brown, Anna Henderson, Megan Cassidy-Welch, Louise D’Arcens, and Susan Broomhall.

More details and eligibility requirements are available here.

Download a copy of the publication proposal form here.

ANZAMEMS–ARC Humanities Borderlines Award

The ARC Humanities and ANZAMEMS Book Prizes provide a gold open access book prize scheme exclusively tailored to ANZAMEMS members.

The ANZAMEMS–ARC Humanities Borderlines Award is aimed at promoting scholarship with particular strengths in opening up new territorial perspectives, subject-areas, or interdisciplinary methods.

The Prize consists of:
A book contract with ARC Humanities Press, and; AUD$10,000, which is paid directly by ANZAMEMS to the Press to cover the costs of gold open access.

The selection panel for the 2022 Borderlines Award consists of Andrew Brown, Anna Henderson, Kim Phillips, Seeta Chaganti, and Chris Ocker.

More details and eligibility requirements are available here.

Download a copy of the publication proposal form here.

Please send all completed Award proposals to: by the above deadline.

Please direct all queries regarding the Awards to:

One month left to submit to Maddern, Crawford, and Parergon Publication Prizes!

Philippa Maddern ECR Publication Prize

Philippa Maddern (1952–2014) was Professor of History at The University of Western Australia, Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, an ANZAMEMS stalwart, and an active member of the Association from its inception. Philippa contributed enormously to the development of medieval and early modern studies, both in Australia and globally. She gave great service as an office bearer of ANZAMEMS, serving in a range of capacities on the committee including many years as its Treasurer. Philippa was a great champion of researchers embarking on academic careers and ANZAMEMS is proud to establish a Publication Prize for Early Career Researchers in her honour.

The Philippa Maddern Publication Prize will be offered biennially, with the submission and adjudication process timed so that the announcement of the winner can be made at an ANZAMEMS Biennial International Conference. The Prize will be offered in 2021, with the winner announced at the ANZAMEMS conference to be held in Perth, Australia, in mid-2022 (date TBC).

In 2021 the Philippa Maddern ECR Publication Prize will be awarded to an Early Career Researcher (ECR) for the best article-length scholarly work in any discipline/topic falling within the scope of medieval and early modern studies, published within the below date range.

Articles published between 1 January 2018 to 30 November 2021 are eligible. Early online publication of articles will also be considered. The article must have been published online before the above cut-off date.

Entry for the 2021 Prize opened on 1 June 2021 and closes on 30 November 2021.

More details and full eligibility requirements are available here.

To apply for the Philippa Maddern ECR Publication Prize, please fill out the application form, which can be downloaded here.

Patricia Crawford Postgraduate Publication Prize

Patricia Crawford (1941–2009) was Professor Emerita of History at The University of Western Australia. A pioneering feminist historian, she is remembered as a leading scholar of early modern England whose work brought new depth to the study of women’s lives and thereby transformed understanding of the period. Trish was internationally recognised and served The University of Western Australia, her discipline, and ANZAMEMS with distinction. An active member of ANZAMEMS and the Parergon Editorial Committee, Trish was a scholar passionate about collaboration, and a mentor of extraordinary generosity, and ANZAMEMS is delighted to establish a Publication Prize for postgraduate students in her honour.

The Prize will be offered biennially, with the submission and adjudication process timed so that the announcement of the winner can be made at an ANZAMEMS Biennial International Conference. The Prize will be offered in 2021, with the winner announced at the ANZAMEMS conference to be held in Perth, Australia, in mid-2022 (date TBC).

The Patricia Crawford Postgraduate Publication Prize is awarded to a postgraduate student for the best article-length scholarly work in any discipline/topic falling within the scope of medieval and early modern studies, published within the within the below date range.

Articles published between 1 January 2018 to 30 November 2021 are eligible. Early online publication of articles will also be considered. The article must have been published online before the above cut-off date.

Entry for the 2021 Prize opened on 1 June 2021 and closes on 30 November 2021.

More details and full eligibility requirements are available here.

To apply for the Patricia Crawford Postgraduate Publication Prize, please fill out the application form, which can be downloaded here.

Parergon Prize

The Prize will be offered biennially, with the submission and adjudication process timed so that the announcement of the winner can be made at an ANZAMEMS Biennial International Conference.

The Prize will be offered in 2021, with the winner announced at the ANZAMEMS conference to be held in Perth, Australia, in mid-2022 (date TBC).

In 2021 the Parergon Prize will be awarded to an emerging scholar for the best article-length scholarly work accepted to be published in Parergon during the three calendar years previous to the year in which the prize is offered. Eligible articles should have been accepted to be published in the period 2018–2020.

Entry for the 2021 Prize will open on 1 June 2021 and close on 30 November 2021.

More details and full eligibility requirements are available here.

To apply for the Parergon Prize, please fill out the application form, which can be downloaded here.

Please direct all queries regarding all Prizes to:



We invite scholarly proposals for papers on emotions and health in Shakespearean drama and related fields, as part of a panel or panels being established at ANZAMEMS 2022. The link to the main website and call for papers is here:

The panel(s) will examine the topics of health, wellbeing, and emotions in Shakespearean drama and related fields and/or its reception today. In particular we welcome papers broadly relating to the discipline of health humanities. Papers should be set within the broader topic of the overall conference, and deal with questions of reception and/or emotion.

Papers might consider but are not limited to:
· The role of emotions in early modern health and drama and literature
· Well-being and emotional health in early modern drama and literature
· Illness and its expression in early modern drama and literature
· Ideas of emotional resilience and their reception today
· Social and cultural concepts of health in early modern drama and the modern inheritances
· Social and cultural constructs of well-being and illness in early modern drama and/or their modern inheritances
· Metaphors of health, well-being, and illness in early modern drama and/or their reception today
· The relationship between human health and the environment/ecology
· The body, ideas relating to the body, the performative body, and embodiment in Shakespeare and related fields
· Inheritances of those ideas of the body, the performative body, and embodiment in Shakespeare and related fields

We invite submissions for 15 minute presentations, which will be followed by 30 minutes of Q&A on the themes raised by all speakers on the panel. If you are interested in presenting your work, please send any questions, or otherwise the title, a 200 word abstract and a 50 word biography to Dr Bríd Phillips at and Dr Claire Hansen at

Deadline for Panel Submissions: 8 November 2021

The panel(s) will be held as part of the biennial conference of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, at the The University of Western Australia, Perth, 27 June to 1 July, 202


Dear ANZAMEMS ECRs and HDR Students,

I’m writing to provide an update on the ANZAMEMS DEVELOPMENT SCHEME (ADS), our forthcoming workshop series for HDR students and ECRs. Since our last communication with the ANZAMEMS membership, we have finalised the seminar schedule and topics (see below). We have 27 members enrolled in the workshops, and we are very much looking forward to meeting them. For any HDRs and ECRs who missed the first call, we invite them to apply to join the scheme.

Should you wish to apply to join this seminar series, please email Clare Monagle by October 24th to register your interest, supplying the information below. Participation is only open to ANZAMEMS members.

1. Name
2. Brief Bio (100 Words)
3. Reason for Interest (100 Words)

Many thanks,
The ADS organising committee (Matthew Champion, Nat Cutter, Clare Monagle, Megan Shaw)

Session Topics and Schedule
(All times given in Australian Eastern Standard Time)

Session 1
ECR Careers in Australia
Convener – Clare Monagle
October 28th, 3-5pm

Session 2
ECR Careers in North America
Convener – Clare Monagle
November 5th, 9-11am

Session 3
ECR Careers in Europe and the United Kingdom
Convener – Clare Monagle
November 9th, 12-2pm

Session 4
Methodology 1 – Planning Interdisciplinary Projects
Conveners – Nat Cutter and Megan Shaw
November 18th, 3-5pm

Session 5
Methodology 2 – Research from Afar
Conveners – Nat Cutter and Megan Shaw
November 24th, 9-11am

Session 6
Critical Issues in Medieval and Early Modern Studies – Globality
Conveners – Matthew Champion and Helen Young
December 1st, 9-11am

Session 7
Critical Issues in Medieval and Early Modern Studies – Materiality
Conveners – Matthew Champion and Helen Young
December 9th, 1-3pm

ANZAMEMS Development Scheme (ADS)

Dear ANZAMEMS ECRs and HDR Students,

In pre-covid times ANZAMEMS funded PATS (Postgraduate Advanced Training Seminars), which brought HDR students and ECRs together for skills and methods seminars. Since the beginning of the pandemic, it has not been possible to run these workshops for obvious reasons.

So, we’ve decided to try something different. In second semester 2021, beginning in mid to late September, we are going to offer a virtual seminar series, organised by the cohort for the cohort. We will offer seven two-hour sessions, held fortnightly. The program will offer a mix of career development and state of the field/s reflections. We will have three sessions devoted to the job market, offering reflections on how the sector works in different locations focusing on the USA, the UK and the European Union, and Australasia. We will also offer two sessions that focus on timely issues and challenges in the field of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. Finally, we will offer two sessions devoted to methodological issues, designed to offer insights into working with particular types of sources, or with relatively new theoretical paradigms.

We have not yet decided on the times and dates for these sessions, as we will seek information from participants about their availability, and work to accommodate as many people as possible.

In the past, we have offered face to face sessions that enabled skill-based training in things like palaeography. The virtual does not lend itself to that sort of training, but we promise we plan to return to face to face training in the future. For now, however, we hope that this new format will provide equally valuable advice and support in different areas of development.

Should you wish to apply to join this seminar series, please email Clare Monagle by 22 August to register your interest, supplying the information below. Participation is only open to ANZAMEMS members.

  1. Name;
  2. Brief Bio (100 Words);
  3. Reason for Interest (100 Words);
  4. Preferred Times and Days of Week for Sessions (please provide as many as possible);

Numbers are not capped, but we ask that participants commit to the entirety of program (pending timing), as we are keen to provide a supportive and open space and offer an opportunity for relationship building as well as career development.

Call for Expressions of Interest: ANZAMEMS 2024 Conference

ANZAMEMS welcomes Expression of Interests for its 2024 Conference.

By convention, the next host would normally be a venue in New Zealand.

Up to $35,000 in conference funding is provided to the successful host institution(s).

The ANZAMEMS Conference Policy can be downloaded on the Conference page of the Association’s website (Version effective July 2021):

A copy of the Association’s Equity and Inclusivity Guidelines for ANZAMEMS Conference and Event Planners can be downloaded from the Diversity and Equity page of the Association’s website. (Version effective 16 February 2018):

For further information, please contact:
Dr Helen Young, President, Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval & Early Modern Studies. Email:

ANZAMEMS 2022 Conference CFP – Panel on Aesthetics in Medieval and Early Modern Poetry

We invite scholarly proposals for papers on aesthetics in medieval and early modern poetry (c. 400 to 1800), as part of a panel or panels being established at ANZAMEMS 2022. The link to the main website and call for papers is here:

The panel(s) will examine the influence of aesthetic styles, movements, rhetorical and aesthetic techniques and theories on the development of poetry, or the work of specified poet(s) at any time during the relevant periods in Europe and Britain. Papers should be set within the broader topic of the overall conference, and deal with questions of reception and/or emotion. Speakers might consider:

· The role of emotions in medieval or early modern aesthetic theories;

· Models of embodiment in aesthetic theories during the period;

· Theories of affect, affectus and/or feelings;

· The impact of theological and biblical sources (for example, by Augustine and Aquinas);

· The impact of philosophy of mind/body, metaphysics and ethics (such as the Platonic and Aristotelian);

· Formal theories of poetics and rhetoric, including the role of style in rhetorical figures and tropes;

· The impact of artistic movements (such as Neoplatonist, Neoclassical, Baroque) and the reciprocal influence of visual arts on poetry (eg ut pictura poiesis);

· Public and private models of ‘taste’, audience and reception;

· The role of pleasure, the imagination and sensuous and vivid imagery;

· Techniques for the aestheticization of the sacred (such as the poetics of enigma);

· Theories of the sublime and the beautiful;

· Participatory versus objectivist aesthetics;

· Materialist, or transcendental and idealist models;

· Poststructural or psychoanalytic approaches; or

· The role and value of historicist and/or modern theory.

We invite submissions for 20 minute presentations, followed by 5 minutes of Q&A. If you are interested in presenting your work, please send any questions, or otherwise the title, a 200 word abstract and a 50 word biography, at the first instance to Dr Jane Vaughan at

Deadline for Panel Submissions: 12 October 2021

The panel(s) will be held as part of the biennial conference of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, at the School of Humanities, The University of Western Australia, Perth, 27 June to 1 July, 2022

CFP: Reception, Emotion, and the Crusades, panels at ANZAMEMS Conference, 27 June–1 July 2022

The theme for the 2022 ANZAMEMS (Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies) conference is ‘Reception and Emotion’. Professor Megan Cassidy-Welch (Australian Catholic University) and Dr Beth Spacey (University of Queensland) are inviting proposals for 20-minute papers to be part of a strand of themed panels examining aspects of reception and/or emotion, broadly conceived, in a crusading context. Please send your 200-word abstracts and paper title, along with a short bio (max. 50 words), to Beth ( by 30 September 2021.

The thirteenth biennial ANZAMEMS Conference will be held on 27 June to 1 July 2022 in Perth at the University of Western Australia. More information, including details regarding travel bursaries, is available here.