Category Archives: ANZAMEMS

Call for Expressions of Interest: ANZAMEMS Maddern-Crawford Network Event

Academic experiences, transitions, support, leadership

The ANZAMEMS Maddern-Crawford Network is delighted to host an in-person networking event for female/female-identifying/non-binary ANZAMEMS members.

This event aims to bring together academics at all career stages (full-time; part-time; casual; honorary; independent scholars; postgraduates) for a series of workshops and talks with the purpose of:
• Networking;
• Sharing career experiences and challenges;
• Learning about leadership;
• Creating support and mentoring opportunities for postgrads, ECRs, MCRs and senior scholars in MEMS disciplines.

The sessions will be arranged around themes including ‘experience’, ‘leadership’, ‘support’, and ‘transitions’ and will include ample opportunity for informal discussion.

Where: ACU St Patrick’s campus, East Melbourne, Victoria.
When: November 8-9, 2022.
Eligibility: Female/female-identifying/non-binary ANZAMEMS members at all career stages.
Support: A limited number of bursaries for flights and accommodation available for Australian and New Zealand participants without other forms of financial support. Lunch on both days, morning/afternoon tea on both days, and a dinner on the 8th November will be provided.

There are a limited number of places for this event.

Please send a short (one-page) CV together with a short expression of interest to Prof. Megan Cassidy-Welch by Monday 29 August 2022. Email:

This event is generously supported by the Australian Catholic University’s Medieval and Early Modern Studies Program.

Middle English Ekphrasis: Aesthetics and Socioeconomics in Late Medieval Poetry

Middle English Ekphrasis: Aesthetics and Socioeconomics in Late Medieval Poetry
An online seminar hosted by The University of Western Australia

Date: Wednesday 21 September 2022
Time: 4:00pm AWST / 6:00pm AEST
Venue: Online via Zoom, hosted by The University of Western Australia
Enquiries and to register: Please register by Friday 16 September.

Ekphrasis has attracted a long history of scholarship as a pronounced form of aesthetic display in literary texts. Where major touchstones of scholarship on ekphrasis (Heffernan, 1993; Krieger, 1992) had previously been drawn to classical and modern materials, more recent work has begun to take stock of the peculiarity of medieval ekphrasis (Johnston, Knapp and Rouse, 2015). This paper explores some related avenues of enquiry about the nature, significance, and functions of ekphrasis in major Middle English poetry (Chaucer and Alliterative poetry, especially St Erkenwald and the Piers Plowman tradition). Surveying the vocabulary of cultural production available to late medieval poets, the paper suggests that much work on ekphrasis is theoretically antithetical to an understanding of patronage and artistic production in an age before ‘the Arts’ became defined. Instead, I focus on key passages of Middle English poetry to show how the trope of ekphrasis could be used to distinct effect in different texts: binding cultural production (both poetic and plastic) to the socio-economics of patronage; as a hostile, satirical form of verbal display; and as a mystery, a deliberate enigma, in the examples of St Erkenwald and John Metham’s Amoryus and Cleopes.

Dr Jane Vaughan (The University of Western Australia)

Mike Rodman Jones is Associate Professor of English at the University of Nottingham (UK), and works on medieval and early modern literature. His second monograph is forthcoming in the Studies in Renaissance Literature Series with Boydell and Brewer. He spoke at the “Feeling (for) the Premodern” Symposium at The University of Western Australia in 2016; the paper was published in Exemplaria 30:3 (2018). Email:

This seminar is co-sponsored by the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medievial and Early Modern Studies, Inc (ANZAMEMS), the Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group, Inc, and the ARC Centre for Excellence for the History of Emotions.

For more information please see the event website.

Constant Mews Prize article “The Tree of Life in Medieval Iconography” open access!

Pippa Salonius’s excellent article, “The Tree of Life in Medieval Iconography” in The Tree of Life, ed. Douglas Estes, Themes in Biblical Narrative, 27 (Brill 2020) was awarded the Constant Mews Prize by ANZAMEMS in 2022.

This article has been made open access for a limited time and is free to download until the end of July!

To view and download the article (free until the end of July!) please visit

ANZAMEMS Conference updates!

The final programme (i.e. timetable of sessions) for 2022 ANZAMEMS conference (#anza22) is available to download on the conference website!

The committee will circulate the full conference programme, including all abstracts, bio statements, Zoom links, and details of online performances, and our ‘Ask a Publisher’ Wonder Space Sessions, this coming week.

Registration closes on 24 June 2022. NB: Only those who have registered for the conference will be provided a copy of the FULL programme which includes Zoom links.

2022 ANZAMEMS Conference Registration!

This is just a reminder that registration for the 2022 ANZAMEMS Conference on Reception and Emotion is open! Registration will close on 24 June.

To register, please visit our conference website and click the big red ‘Register for the Conference’ button!

Please note, if you’re an ANZAMEMS member for 2022, you’re entitled to pay the discounted ANZAMEMS members’ rate. If you haven’t paid your 2022 membership fees, you can do so online here. If you’re unsure if you’ve paid for 2022, please contact us at

Donate to the Constant Mews Early Career Publication Prize

The Constant Mews Early Career Publication Prize will be offered in conjunction with the next three ANZAMEMS Conferences ( = $6,000 AUD total), beginning with Perth in 2022.

The ANZAMEMS Committee has also agreed to extend that to a total of ten occasions if we are able to raise $10,000 AUD. ANZAMEMS now invites contributions to establish the Prize pool. Contributions will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to a total value of $10,000.

We have organised with The University of Western Australia (who is registered with the ACNC) to accept donations for the Constant Mews Prize on behalf of the Association. The donations are tax-deductible.

You are able to donate via the following link:

Please specify the following in the comments section: ANZAMEMS Mews Prize.

Once you have donated, please contact me via email at with details of the date and amount of your donation.

If you would prefer to donate by bank transfer, please contact me via email at

Announcing the new ANZAMEMS Constant Mews Early Career Publication Prize – Entry for the 2022 Prize opens on 7 March 2022 and closes on 3 April 2022

The ANZAMEMS committee is pleased to announce the launch of the Constant Mews Early Career Publication Prize, which honours the work of Professor Constant Mews, FAHA, a former President of ANZAMEMS, and distinguished scholar in the medieval history of religions, intellectual history, and textual editing and translation.

The Prize is established to encourage and reward outstanding work by Early Career Researchers in Constant’s broad areas of scholarly interest.

Winners will receive A$1500 in prize money (or NZD equivalent), a travel bursary of A$500 to provide assistance in attending the ANZAMEMS Conference, a year’s membership of ANZAMEMS (including a subscription to its journal Parergon), and a place at the ANZAMEMS Conference Dinner (at which the Prize is to be announced).

Entry for the 2022 Prize opens on 7 March 2022 and closes on 3 April 2022.

Articles published between 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2021 are eligible. Early online publication of articles will also be considered. The article must have been published online before the above cut-off date.

NB: Applicants who have previously applied for the Philippa Maddern ECR Publication Prize and Patricia Crawford Postgraduate Publication Prize, but were unsuccessful are eligible to apply for the Constant Mews Early Career Prize should they wish to apply.

For full details about the Constant Mews Early Career Publication Prize and to apply for the prize, please visit the ANZAMEMS website:

ARC-Humanities Prizes

ANZAMEMS-ARC Humanities Award for Original Research

The ANZAMEMS-ARC Humanities Award for Original Research is aimed at Early Career Researchers and independent scholars. Applications for 2021 are open NOW and will close on 28 February, 2022.

This prize consists of a book contract with Arc Humanities Press and a grant of $10,000 AUD to cover the costs of GOLD OPEN ACCESS for your book.

See here for more information and the application forms

ANZAMEMS-ARC Humanities Borderlines Award

The Borderlines Award is aimed at promoting scholarship with particular strengths in opening up new territorial perspectives, subject-areas, or interdisciplinary methods. This is a biennial prize and will first be awarded in 2022, with applications closing on 28 February, 2022.

This prize consists of a book contract with Arc Humanities Press and a grant of $10,000 AUD to cover the costs of GOLD OPEN ACCESS for your book.

See here for more information and the application forms

Update regarding the 2022 ANZAMEMS Conference – to be held ONLINE ONLY

In light of the continued border closures in Western Australia, the 2022 ANZAMEMS conference committee has decided that the upcoming conference will now be held solely online.

The conference committee thanks all those who have submitted their proposals for the conference. The conference programming sub-committee is busily reviewing all the fantastic proposals for papers, panels and roundtables that we have received. We are still accepting late proposals until Friday 18 February (5:00pm AWST), so if you haven’t yet submitted a proposal, then now’s your chance!

In line with the updates to the ANZAMEMS conference, we are also extending the deadline for applications for the George Yule Prize, as well as applications for the travel bursaries and the carer bursaries. These bursaries will be awarded to those who need to travel in order to access the conference online, and to provide carers with support for the duration of the conference.

The new deadline for applications for the George Yule Prize and the travel and carer bursaries is now Monday 11 April (9:00am AWST).

Should you have any questions about the conference, please email the conference committee at