Category Archives: ANZAMEMS

ANZAMEMS Conference Panel: The Land and Landscapes of Emotion in War – Call For Papers

Call for Papers for a panel session at Tenth Biennial ANZAMEMS Conference, to be held at the University of Queensland on the 14–18 July 2015:

The Land and Landscapes of Emotion in War

The thematic relation of war to ideas of ‘the land’ is surpassingly long-lived: from the Medieval through the Romantic periods, war can – and must – be read in the natural landscape. In numerous medieval and early modern literary and historical texts, the ravages of war are recorded in descriptions of the wasteland: the land laid waste, or its agricultural potential futilely ‘wasted’, by the effects of war. Land itself can become a record of war, and a space in which war’s emotions can be inscribed and interpreted. We invite contributions of 20-minute papers to a session on the land and landscapes in war writing, focusing on the ways in which land represents, commemorates, or even rejects the desolation and destruction of war. We invite papers that pay particular attention to textual associations of the land with emotional affect, whether before, during or after wartime. In what ways might the emotions of war and the effects of violent conflict be written and read in the landscape? How and where can land itself be said to emote? What is the relationship between the physical land and earth, death or burial; or idealised land as patria, yearned for and lamented, as well as fought over or on?

Papers may wish to consider these or other aspects of the land and emotion in literary and historical records of war, from the medieval period up to the eighteenth century, and might include medieval or early modern versions of the classical and early medieval associations of land and war; or might approach the subject in post-1800 ‘medievalist’ or ‘early modernist’ texts, including, but not limited to, poetry, novels, theatre and film.

Wider topics linking war and land could address:

  • War in Georgic and Pastoral traditions
  • War burial and commemoration
  • ‘Waste’ and ‘wasted’ land: war and agriculture
  • ‘Grim war’ and ‘smiling peace’: land, embodiment and personification in war
  • Dispossession, depopulation and trauma in war
  • Bleeding earth: the land in civil war
  • Exile and nostalgia in war
  • Viewing the land at war / in war
  • War, nature and ecology
  • Weather, seasons and the ‘atmosphere’ of war
  • The cartographic / topographic imaginary of war
  • ‘Ownership’, use and possession of land in war
  • National landscapes of war

Please submit a 200-word proposal and brief biographical note (not more than 50 words) by Friday, October 24 to:;; or

Conference website:
ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions:

ANZAMEMS Conference Panel: Representations of Masculinity Within the Medieval and Early Modern Period – Call For Papers

As a reaction to the implicit masculine gendering of history and literature up until the latter part of the twentieth century, gender-based studies of the medieval and early modern period have tended to focus on representations of femininity at the expense of masculinity. While this approach has been invaluable in exposing the way in which women have been marginalised and effaced across time, it risks obscuring some elements of both the constructed nature of masculinity and of historical representations of masculine/feminine binaries.

This panel seeks to explore the possibilities offered by an explicitly gendered focus on representations of masculinity within the medieval and early modern period. The panel will convene at the ANZAMEMS Tenth Biennial Conference at the University of Queensland on the 14–18 July, 2015:

Possible topics for papers include but are not limited to:

  • Masculinity and labour
  • Masculinity and race
  • Masculinity and violence
  • Masculinity and physiology
  • Masculinity and domesticity
  • Masculinity and honour
  • Masculinity and sexuality
  • Masculinity and kingship

If you would like to contribute a paper to this panel, please send a 250 word abstract for a 20 minute paper together a brief biography to by the 23 October, 2014. Please put ‘Masculinities Panel’ in the subject line.

ANZAMEMS PATS 2014: Applications Now Extended to 22 Sept.

ANZAMEMS PATS 2014: Political Ideas and Medieval Texts: Methodologies and Resources

Date: Sat. 25 October 2014
Time: 9:30am-4:30pm

The convenors are pleased to report that this PATS (with Kriston Rennie, Chris Jones and Clare Monagle) is shaping up as an exciting opportunity for graduates and early career researchers whose work impinges on questions of political identity in relation to art, literature, society and religion in the medieval and early modern period.

We congratulate those already offered bursaries. There is still opportunity for two more bursaries to assist with travel ($500 from WA or NZ; $350 from elsewhere). The deadline for application for these two further bursaries is now extended to 22 Sept 2014. There is also space for three further non-bursary applicants to participate in this PATS.

For more information regarding this PATS, please visit:

Australian and New Zealand Association of Medieval and Early Modern Studies 10th Biennial Conference – Call For Papers

Australian and New Zealand Association of Medieval and Early Modern Studies
10th Biennial Conference
The University of Queensland
14-18 July 2015

Sponsored by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Queensland

We invite proposals for papers and panels for ANZAMEMS 2015.

This is an open-themed conference in order to encourage the widest range of participation in the academic disciplines of medieval and early modern studies. We welcome individual papers and full panels on themes from across the period 600 to 1800, that includes, but is in no way limited to, the disciplines of history, literary studies, music, art history, intellectual history, theology and religious studies, the history of emotions, cultural studies, philosophy, science, political and constitutional history, medicine, maritime studies, law, performance studies, gender studies, and cultural heritage.

We particularly encourage papers and panels from graduate students, early career researchers, as well as honours students.

The deadline for paper and panel submissions is 31 October 2014. Early submissions, however, are encouraged and will be processed immediately.

Conference papers are no longer than 20 minutes each in order to leave 10 minutes discussion time for each paper in any session. Each session contains three papers, and the conference program is arranged in parallel sessions spanning all 5 days of the conference. Proposals for full panels, comprising three papers, centred on a theme, as are individual paper submissions, are most welcome.

All proposals should be sent to:

Please find the full CFP for the conference HERE.

ANZAMEMS PATS 2014: Political Ideas and Medieval Texts: Methodologies and Resources

The Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Monash University is hosting an ANZAMEMS sponsored Postgraduate and Advanced Training Seminar on the topic:

Political Ideas and Medieval Texts: Methodologies and Resources

Date: Sat. 25 October 2014
Time: 9:30-4:30pm
Venue: Premises of ACJC, 8th floor, Building H, Monash University (Caulfield Campus)
Convenors: Prof. Constant J. Mews and Dr Megan Cassidy-Welch, Monash University.

Historical, literary and religious texts are often embedded, implicitly or explicitly, with assumptions about the political order, thus defining issues of social class and gender. Even before the great flowering of political debate in the seventeenth century, there were ways of challenging the established the order or of responding to perceived threats to existing structures. This workshop offers an opportunity for postgraduate and early career researchers in Australia and New Zealand, whose work touches on the relationship between political ideas and various kinds of medieval or renaissance/early modern text (whether chronicle, letters, literature, sermons or speculative reflection) to share their research with three leading scholars, who will reflect on various methodologies and potential resources (both digital and non-digital) that they find useful. The seminar will also be of potential interest to those working more generally in issues of political criticism, gender, theory and culture. The emphasis will be on both providing a forum for postgrads to present their research and get feedback on what they are doing, and on learning about methodologies and resources from three established scholars, each engaged in different ways with political ideas in different universities in Australia and New Zealand.

Applications close on 15 September 2014.
Free admission, but RSVP to the convenors by 18 October 2014 is essential.

Full information about the PATS and the accompanying application form can be downloaded HERE.

Enquiries and completed application forms should be forwarded to Prof. Constant J. Mews,, and/or Dr Megan Cassidy-Welch, (both School of Philosophical, Historical and International Studies, Monash University (Clayton Campus), VIC 3800).

2014 ANZAMEMS Travel Bursaries Recipients Announced

The Committee is delighted to announce the recipients of the 2014 ANZAMEMS Postgraduate Travel Bursaries.

We extend our congratulations to the following postgrad/ECR members, all of whom will receive a bursary to facilitate their attendance at a conference this year.

Patricia Alessi (Music, University of WA)
Luke Bancroft (History, Monash University)
Linda Zampol D’Ortia (Theology and Religion, University of Otago)
Stephen Joyce (Religion and Theology, Monash University)
Stephanie Jury (History, Monash University)
Shannon Lambert (English and Creative Writing, University of Adelaide)
Hilary Locke (History, University of Adelaide)
Charlotte-Rose Millar (History, University of Melbourne
Fiona O’Brien (English, University of Adelaide)
Maree Shirota (History, University of Canterbury, NZ)

ANZAMEMS Postgraduate Travel Bursary Funding 2014

As part of its commitment to support postgraduate research, ANZAMEMS is again this year offering $5000 for a round of postgraduate travel bursaries. Bursaries of up to $500 will be awarded for the purpose of attending a conference and presenting a paper.


  • Open to currently enrolled postgraduates and ECRs within 2 years of award and not in full-time employment.
  • Applicants must be financial members of ANZAMEMS for 2014.

Selection process:

  • Funding round advertised via the ANZAMEMS mailing list and newsletter: 7 May 2014.
  • Due date for applications: 28 May 2014.
  • Announcement of successful applicants: 11 June 2014.
  • A sub-committee of the ANZAMEMS committee of three members will assess the applications.
  • The Assistant Treasurer will also be on the sub-committee to coordinate the application and selection processes, communicate with applicants, and arrange payment of prizes.
  • Priority will not necessarily be given to greater distance travelled, but the sub-committee will reserve the right to award smaller bursaries where distance travelled is relatively short.


  • Bursaries can be used to attend any conference EXCEPT the Biennial International ANZAMEMS Conference.
  • Successful applicants are required to submit to the ANZAMEMS committee a brief report (1 page), suitable for publication in the ANZAMEMS newsletter, no longer than 2 months after the conference.
  • In case of non-attendance at the conference, the applicant will be required to reimburse the bursary to ANZAMEMS within a reasonable timeframe.
  • Should attendance at the conference lead to a publication, successful applicants are expected to acknowledge the assistance of an ANZAMEMS Postgraduate Travel Bursary.
  • Applicants are also encouraged to develop their conference paper to be submitted as an article to Parergon.

Application process – applicants should submit (max of 5 pages):

  • A brief CV
  • Proof of eligibility (e.g., proof of enrolment)
  • Details of the conference and proof of acceptance of the applicant’s paper
  • A brief statement outlining benefit of conference to research/career
  • A brief budget of costs associated with attending conference
  • A statement of other sources of funding available (if applicable).

Applications should be emailed to the Assistant Treasurer in Word MS or PDF format at, by the due date.