Category Archives: ANZAMEMS

Experiences of Charity, 1250-1650, ed. Anne Scott – Out Now!

Dear members, please find below the abstract and flyer for the new collection, Experiences of Charity, 1250-1650, edited by Anne Scott. Congratulations to Anne and all those involved in this excellent collection, including ANZAMEMS members Susan Broomhall, Nicholas Dean Brodie, Dolly MacKinnon, and the late Philippa Maddern.

Experiences of Charity, 1250-1650, ed. Anne M. Scott

For a number of years scholars who are concerned with issues of poverty and the poor have turned away from the study of charity and poor relief, in order to search for a view of the life of the poor from the point of view of the poor themselves. Great studies have been conducted using a variety of records, resulting in seminal works that have enriched our understanding of pauper experiences and the influence and impact of poverty on societies. If we return our gaze to ‘charity’ with the benefit of those studies’ questions, approaches, sources and findings, what might we see differently about how charity was experienced as a concept and in practice, at both community and personal levels?

In this collection, contributors explore the experience of charity towards the poor, considering it in spiritual, intellectual, emotional, personal, social, cultural and material terms. The approach is a comparative one: across different time periods, nations, and faiths. Contributors pay particular attention to the way faith inflected charity in the different national environments of England and France, as Catholicism and Calvinism became outlawed and/or minority faith positions in these respective nations. They ask how different faith and beliefs defined or shaped the act of charity, and explore whether these changed over time even within one faith. The sources used to answer such questions go beyond the textual as contributors analyse a range of additional sources that include the visual, aural, and material.

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ANZAMEMS Postgraduate/ECR Travel Bursary Funding 2015

As part of its commitment to support postgraduate research, ANZAMEMS is again this year offering $5000 for a round of travel bursaries for postgraduates and early career researchers to attend the 10th Biennial ANZAMEMS conference and PATS to be held at the University of Queensland on July 14-18, and July 20.


  1. Open to currently enrolled postgraduates and ECRs within 2 years of award and not in full-time employment.
  2. Applicants must be financial members of ANZAMEMS for 2015.

Selection process:

  • Funding round advertised via the ANZAMEMS mailing list and newsletter: 2 April 2015.
  • Due date for applications: 30 April 2015.
  • Announcement of successful applicants: 16 May 2015.
  • A sub-committee of the ANZAMEMS committee of three members will assess the applications.
  • The Assistant Treasurer will also be on the sub-committee to coordinate the application and selection processes, communicate with applicants, and arrange payment of prizes.
  • Priority will not necessarily be given to greater distance travelled, but the sub-committee will reserve the right to award smaller bursaries where distance travelled is relatively short.


  • Bursaries can only be used to attend the Biennial International ANZAMEMS Conference.
  • Successful applicants are required to submit to the ANZAMEMS committee a brief report (1 page), suitable for publication in the ANZAMEMS newsletter, no longer than 2 months after the conference.
  • In case of non-attendance at the conference, the applicant will be required to reimburse the bursary to ANZAMEMS within a reasonable time frame.
  • Should attendance at the conference lead to a publication, successful applicants are expected to acknowledge the assistance of an ANZAMEMS Postgraduate Travel Bursary.
  • Applicants are also encouraged to develop their conference paper to be submitted as an article to Parergon.

Application process – applicants should submit (max of 5 pages):

  1.  A brief CV
  2. Proof of eligibility (e.g., proof of enrolment)
  3. Proof of acceptance of the applicant’s paper at the ANZAMEMS conference
  4. A brief statement outlining benefit of the conference to research/career
  5. A brief budget of costs associated with attending conference
  6. A statement of other sources of funding available (if applicable).

Applications should be emailed to the Communications Officer in Word MS or PDF format at, by the due date.

ANZAMEMS Annual General Meeting 2015

Dear members,

Please find below the official notice of the upcoming ANZAMEMS AGM to be held at Monash on April 2, 2015, 2:00-3:30pm AEDST.

This AGM will be held via video-link. Institutions which will be linking in with the meeting are: UQ, UWA, University of Tasmania, University of Otago, University of Auckland, University of Canterbury at Christchurch. Please contact your nearest committee member if you wish to attend one of these venues for the meeting. Anyone in the Melbourne area is of course welcome to join us in person at Monash.

A proxy form will be circulated early next week for those who cannot come to the AGM but who still wish to vote.

Notice of Meeting

An Annual General Meeting will be held via video-link on Thursday 2 April , 2015 at 2:00-3:30pm AEDST, at the Clayton videoconference facility, Room G21, Building 75, Monash University, Clayton campus, Victoria.

ANZAMEMS PATS 2014 Report: Political Ideas in Medieval Texts

Dear members,

Amanda McVitty (Massey University), one of the postgrads who attended the recent ANZAMEMS PATS seminar on Political Ideas in Medieval Texts, held at Monash University (Oct. 2014), has sent me the following report (found below) compiled by participants of the PATS. It details the participants’ experience and what they gained from the seminar. Many thanks to Amanda for this. The report can also be accessed via the PATS page on the ANZAMEMS website.

Seminar Report: Postgraduate Advanced Training Seminar on Political Ideas and Medieval Texts, October 2014

A group of 12 postgraduates and early career researchers from universities across Australia and New Zealand were privileged to attend the recent ANZAMEMS Postgraduate Advanced Training Seminar on ‘Political Ideas and Medieval Texts: Methodologies and Resources’. The seminar was hosted at Monash University and facilitiated by Professor Constant Mews and Associate Professor Megan Cassidy-Welch of the Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. An engaging group of speakers – Kriston Rennie (University of Queensland), Chris Jones (Canterbury University), and Clare Monagle (Monash) – addressed the theme of medieval political ideas across the three broad domains of law, literature, and theology.

The seminar considered a variety of approaches and methodologies for uncovering and analysing the political in sources that are not overt works of political theory or practice, but that nevertheless deal, either implicitly or explicitly, with questions of power and authority. Kriston Rennie kicked things off by putting a series of episcopal letters into dialogue with related legal texts. His approach offered a way into exploring political ideas underpinning the law, ideas that are not fixed but that shift over time through moments of innovation which are illustrated by deviations from the formula of legal language. This highlighted the importance of recognising what is formulaic in order to analyse more closely the potential political significance of those moments when the formula does not appear.

Chris Jones’ exploration of politics and literature used the chronicle genre to demonstrate that the canonical texts of medieval political theory may not be the only or even the best means to discover how contemporaries approached questions of power, consent, and legitimacy. His examples showed how authors writing from and for the ‘peripheries’ can offer us perspectives that differ in significant ways from the ‘centre’ of royal courts, political theorists and legal thinkers. Chris noted that the places where chronicles depart from standard tropes and narratives can often tell us much about the diversity of political views and voices. This session also sparked some productive discussion about the potential risks we run of reading the ‘political’ into texts where it was not originally present.

Finally, Clare Monagle’s discussion of politics and theology used a selection of Canons from Lateran IV to give us the opportunity to work through the very idea of ‘polis’. It was invaluable to spend some time teasing out the connections between politics and ethics, and returning to lingering questions about the nature of political community the location of political authority. Clare’s example of ‘finding’ Peter Lombard in Lateran IV was also a compelling lesson in recognising that even those texts that have been extensively analysed by scholars can still generate fresh interpretations and offer new insights.

The seminar was run in a workshop format that promoted a sense of collaboration, and allowed for plenty of conversation and exchange of ideas. Attendees were asked in advance to prepare a brief overview of their research and their expections of the seminar, and these were woven in throughout the day to foster real engagement. We weren’t merely being given ideas to contemplate, but were being asked to form and inform them from our own work.

One striking feature was the variety and richness of meanings of ‘political’ that participants brought to the table. There were social, cultural and gendered inflections of the term operating in our different working definitions, in addition to the legal, literary and theological angles that our presenters asked us to consider. A number of attendees were engaged directly with the history of medieval political ideas or with the practice of medieval politics, while others came from backgrounds in literary studies, cultural studies, and art history. For those attendees working with sources that are, at least in part, self-consciously political, it was useful to consider how other types of sources could be used to inform our understanding of medieval ideas about power. For others, it was valuable to think about how ‘politics’ and the political might be found anywhere, in genres and domains which have seemingly little communication with politics qua politics. For the attendees, these ranged widely, from letters, poems, chronicles, and early modern novels and fairy tales through to art, architecture, clothing, and other facets of material culture.

For everyone who attended, perhaps the most important theme raised in various ways over the course of the day was the need to constantly probe what we mean by ‘politics’ and the ‘political’. There was much fruitful discussion about the differences between ideology and politics, and the degree to which each must or can contain multiple voices. We were also alerted to the need to explore the distinctions between politics, ideology and the political imaginary present in our sources.

In one participant’s words, the best phrase to sum up this PATS would be ‘mutually enriching’. By gathering together scholars at various stages of their academic careers to foster collaboration and discussion, the seminar created an atmosphere conducive to open dialogue and intellectual risk-taking that can be rare in academic circles, the value of which should not be underestimated. For many of us, academic scholarship is an often-solitary pursuit. Having this opportunity to discuss our work and to share experiences and advice about pursuing medieval research in the southern hemisphere was not only intellectually stimulating, but also a genuine pleasure.

The PATS attendees would like to extend our gratitude to the presenters and facilitors for organising such a stimulating and valuable research seminar. We would also like to thank ANZAMEMS for their support, which included travel bursaries for out-of-state participants.

Amanda McVitty
PhD Candidate, Massey University
NZ Postgraduate Representative, ANZAMEMS

George Yule Prize – Deadline 28 February 2015

As you will all know, the deadline for submission of panels and individual papers for the ANZAMEMS conference in Brisbane, 14-18 July 2015, is 31 October. The executive committee encourages postgraduates to think about submitting a 3,500 word essay for the George Yule prize (and supervisors to encourage their students to do so). The deadline for this is 28 February 2015. Entries and queries should be submitted to Marina Gerzic:

For further information on this prize, see:

Call for proposals for a themed issue of Parergon (2016)

We now call for proposals for future themed issues, most immediately for 2016 (33.2).

Parergon publishes articles on all aspects of medieval and early modern studies, from early medieval through to the eighteenth century, and including the reception and influence of medieval and early modern culture in the modern world. We are particularly interested in research which takes new approaches and crosses traditional disciplinary boundaries. Themed issues contain up to ten essays, plus the usual reviews section. The guest editor is responsible for setting the theme and drawing up the criteria for the essays.

Proposals should contain the following:

  1. A draft title for the issue.
  2. A statement outlining the rationale for the issue.
  3. Titles and abstracts of all the essays.
  4. A short biographical paragraph for the guest editor(s) and for each contributor.
  5. An example of a completed essay if available. (This is not essential).

Time line
Proposals for the 2016 issue (33.2) are required by 30 January 2015, and completed essays by 30 January 2016 for publication in late 2016.

Preliminary expressions of interest are welcome at any time.

For full details, please see the CFP below

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ANZAMEMS Conference Panel: Facial Feeling – Call For Papers

Call for Papers for a panel session at Tenth Biennial ANZAMEMS Conference, to be held at the University of Queensland on the 14–18 July 2015:

Facial Feeling

How does the face signify or express emotion in medieval and early modern culture? Papers are invited for one or perhaps two multidisciplinary panels that would consider the face as a site of passionate or emotional feeling in medieval and early modern culture, whether in textual, visual or material form. How do medieval and early modern poets, dramatists, musicians, writers, thinkers, artists, philosophers and theologians conceptualise the face (human? divine? angelic? demonic? animal?) and its capacity to express, signify, or conceal emotion? How does the face “speak” to us? What is the relationship between iconic, indexical and individualised emotions?

Papers may wish to consider the following topics:

  • Emotional encounters between the faces of the human and the non-human, or faces of different ethnicities
  • The relation between text and image in the representation of emotion (e.g. banderoles expressing words or lyrics in visual images, emblem books, etc. )
  • Visual representations of the faces of the virtues, vices and passions (in manuscripts, printed books, woodcuts, painting, sculpture, stained glass, etc.)
  • Metaphors, similes, and other forms of rhetorical discourse about the face
  • Literary and dramatic descriptions and characterisations of facial emotion
  • Medieval and early modern philosophical, theological, scientific or medical discourse about the face

Preliminary inquiries are welcome, but the final deadline for a 200-word proposal and brief biographical note (not more than 50 words) is Monday, October 27th, Inquiries and/or proposals should be emailed to:

ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions:

ANZAMEMS Conference website: