Category Archives: ANZAMEMS

ANZAMEMS / ASCS Conference Panels: Late-Antiquity – Call For Papers

TWO CONFERENCES, Wellington, NEW ZEALAND, Late January-early February, 2017

Late-Antiquity Panel(s) at:

The 38th Meeting of the Australasian Society for Classical Studies (ASCS) Meeting (31 January to 3 February 2017)


The 11th Biennial Australian New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (ANZAMEMS) Conference (7-10 February 2017)

Both to be hosted at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

In early 2017, Victoria University of Wellington will be hosting two separate conferences a few days apart, both of which will be hospitable to late antique and early medieval scholars.

Dr. Lisa Bailey (Senior Lecturer in Classics and Ancient History and History/University of Auckland/ and Dr. Mark Masterson (Senior Lecturer of Classics/Victoria University of Wellington/ would like to organize panels on Late Antiquity (broadly construed) at these conferences. We welcome abstracts for either conference or for both, from scholars in Australasia or beyond.

***NOTE: persons not from Australia or New Zealand do NOT have to be members of ASCS or ANZAMEMS to submit an abstract or to give a paper.

We welcome abstracts of 150-250 words on most any aspect of late antiquity which we will group and then put forward to the programme committee.

We would like abstracts by 15 June, 2016.

We welcome inquiries.

Please send questions and abstracts to Mark Masterson ( Please specify which conference (ASCS or ANZAMEMS) your abstract is for.

See below for guidelines.


There is no particular theme for this conference (therefore Late-Antiquity broadly construed will do).

Offers of papers, posters, panels and archaeological reports should be accompanied by an abstract of 150-250 words.

The abstract should contain the following information:

  • a clear initial statement of purpose;
  • a brief explanation of the abstract’s relationship to the previous literature on the topic, including some brief citations of, or reference to, any important literature;
  • a summary of the argumentation;
  • some examples to be used in the argumentation (this step could be left out if the word limit is affected);
  • reference to works (maximum of 3) which are seminal to the argument. Short citations (author year pp) should be included in the abstract so that readers are clear on how these works have informed your argument. Full bibliographical details (which do not count in the word limit) of the works cited in the abstract should be supplied at the end of the abstract. If you think reference to other authors is not appropriate or necessary, you must add a brief paragraph to inform the committee as to why (e.g. the topic is completely new or it is the report of a season’s excavations).

The abstract should make it clear that the paper is suitable for oral presentation within the time limit (maximum time 20 minutes = less than 3000 words).


Our theme for ANZAMEMS 2017 is mobility and exchange. We encourage proposals for papers or panels addressing any aspect of this theme, including (but not limited to):

  • social, cultural, and intellectual exchange
  • the circulation of texts, ideas, and people
  • commercial and mercantile exchange
  • legal interchange
  • transport and transportation
  • rural and urban mobilities
  • pilgrimage, exploration, and migration
  • transglobal and trans-temporal medievalisms and early modernisms


  • Paper title
  • Abstract (up to 150 words)
  • The name, affiliation, and email address of the presenter
  • An indication of AV requirements

ANZAMEMS Member News: Antonia St Demiana – PATS (2016) Report

Antonia St Demiana, Doctoral Candidate, Macquarie University

On February 9 and 10 at Sydney University’s Fisher Library, I was fortunate to be one of a select group of students and researchers to participate in a Postgraduate Advanced Training Seminar supported by ANZAMEMS.

The focus of the two-day course was the Manuscript Book in which we learned about the various aspects of original western medieval manuscripts. The main features of the seminar were the lectures delivered by Professors Margaret Manion and Rod Thomson, whose direct experience with manuscripts and the libraries and museums which house them, provided us with vital information for our own work. There are many obstacles which young scholars may face when requesting access to materials such as manuscripts, and Margaret and Rod generously shared their knowledge with us in this regard.

One area which I found to be of particular relevance to my own study, were the lectures about the physical characteristics of manuscripts and the terminology used to describe them. I learned much about quires, foliation, parchments, ruling, and inks. Rod’s outline of how to catalogue and describe manuscripts was also invaluable to me. Although I am studying Coptic manuscripts, much of the terminology applies to both western and eastern books.

Another highlight of the PATS was the very rare privilege to handle the precious manuscripts in the Fisher Collection. We were free to hold the manuscripts and glance through their pages and it was wonderful to see real examples (not just photographs) of what Margaret and Rod were discussing.

I am very grateful ANZAMEMS for funding my flight to Sydney and for the opportunity to participate in the PATS on the Manuscript Book. Thanks also to the librarians at the Fisher Library and to Dr Nick Sparks for a very well organised seminar.

ANZAMEMS PATS 2016 # 2: Gender Matters

“Gender Matters”: A Postgraduate Advanced Training Seminar | University of Western Australia (2016)

Date: Friday 7 October, 2016
Venue: University of Western Australia, Perth, WA
More info:

“Gender Matters”: A Postgraduate Advanced Training Seminar will take place on on Friday 7 October 2016 and precede the PMRG/CMEMS Conference ‘Gender Worlds, 500-1800: New Perspectives’, which will be held on 8 October 2016, at the University of Western Australia. For more details about the conference, please visit:

This one-day PATS, sponsored by ANZAMEMS, will include sessions on gender theories and methodologies by a panel of scholars, including Susan Broomhall, Andrew Lynch, Joanne McEwan, Stephanie Tarbin, Jacqueline Van Gent and Merry Wiesner-Hanks.

This is a free event, but places will be limited. Registration will open after 1 May, 2016.

A limited number of ANZAMEMS travel bursaries are available for postgraduate students and unfunded early career researchers to assist with travel and other costs associated with participating in the PATS. Please submit completed applications to Dr Joanne McEwan ( by 1 May 2016. Application forms are available at the conference website:

ANZAMEMS Member News: Kriston Rennie – Medieval Monastic History

Dear members, please see the following letter from ANZAMEMS committee member Kriston Rennie:

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to you en masse to gather some intel about past, present, and future research endeavours in the field of medieval monastic history. In anticipation of a symposium to be held in Dresden later this year (27-29 October), I am trying to assemble a complete picture of the work being done in Australia and New Zealand. I have been asked by the Forschungsstelle für Vergleichende Ordensgeschichte (FOVOG) at TU Dresden to ‘represent’ our region, with a view to establishing more active and international networks with scholars from Europe (east and west), North America, and South America. Celebrating 20 years of study into comparative religious orders, the FOVOG would ideally like to assess the international state of research, ‘to generate and illustrate new perspectives on the exploration of vita religiosa in order to envisage new projects.’ The ‘workshop’ promises to gather 40-50 scholars from around the world; all have been tasked with the same responsibility.

There is a great interest in Germany about our respective countries, and I would like to represent our research ambitions, funding opportunities, and collaborations accurately. To my mind, this is an exciting opportunity to showcase our work (projects, grants, publications, etc.), to explain the current situation of our universities and funding systems, and ultimately to initiate some profitable connections. My thinking is not limited solely to our own research, but also to the work of our MPhil and PhD students, and post-docs. Discussion on ‘research clusters’ and ‘areas of expertise’ should also, in my opinion, take into account possible supervisory arrangements with other countries and institutions. I’m certain, for example, that colleagues here in Germany would be fascinated by the possibility of ‘linkage grants’ and the Australian-DAAD scheme, and to learn about our active society, biennial conference, and postgraduate training seminars. In other words, I don’t perceive this invitation as being about drawing Australia and New Zealand into a European framework; it offers the potential to work also in the other direction, to the benefit of all invested parties.

So, in essence, I am asking for expressions of interest – so to speak. If you have an interest in the field of medieval religious orders and/comparative religious history, please contact me to share your thoughts, ideas, and plans. If you have publications and/or current work in this field, please bring them/it to my attention. If you have a firm grasp of our strengths (e.g., Dominican, Cistercian), please share your thoughts. If you’ve already got some profitable links (formal or informal), please let me know. And if there is something or someone that you feel should must not be overlooked in our presentation to an international forum, I’d be extremely grateful for your insight and perspective.

I can be reached anytime through my work address:

I look forward to hearing from you soon (preferably before 1 August. 2016).

Kriston Rennie

ANZAMEMS Member News: Anna Milne-Tavendale – PATS (2016) Report

Anna Milne-Tavendale, PhD candidate, University of Canterbury

It was a real privilege to be able to visit Sydney University and the rare books collection at Fisher library to attend this PATS: The manuscript Book. I would like to thank ANZAMEMS for the bursary, without which I would have been unable to attend, and also the event organisers for putting together what was an extremely insightful and valuable workshop.

The workshop was well planned and organised. Over the two days the group (consisting of students and more established scholars from Australia and New Zealand) were thoroughly immersed in the making and study of medieval manuscripts. Our time was divided between viewing the collection at Fisher library, expert lectures on related topics and practical sessions that covered almost every aspect of manuscript production in which we benefited from the combined experience and knowledge of Margaret and Rod, who were both engaging and inspiring. As well as covering the ‘technical’ aspects of manuscript production, they each spent time establishing the social and cultural world in which the manuscripts operated. A particular highlight for me was the detailing and explanation of the complex and demanding tasks of the paleographer/codicologist.

Working in this digital age, in which our sources have often been transcribed into modern languages or are at least available in digital formats it is often easy to forget about the importance and centrality of the manuscript to what we do – and this is certainly also compounded by our geographical location. Rod’s ‘rules’ or ‘words of wisdom’ (interspersed through the two days) were particularly influential, especially his assertion that examining the manuscript will ALWAYS yield something new/different and will tell more about the text. After the workshop, I certainly feel equipped to undertake manuscript analysis and I would highly recommend this type of workshop to any medieval scholar. I hope that ANZAMEMS will consider running this again!

ANZAMEMS Conference Panel: Keeping it in the Family: Mobility, Exchange, and Adaptation in an Age of Discovery, Trade Expansion and Settlement, 1400–1800 – Call For Papers

Panel CFP, ANZAMEMS 2017:

Keeping it in the family: mobility, exchange, and adaptation in an age of discovery, trade expansion and settlement, 1400–1800

Castas en Nueva EspanÞa. Joseì Joaquiìn Magoìn'

Castas en Nueva EspanÞa. Joseì Joaquiìn Magoìn

Family networks transcending national ties and traditional boundaries relating to gender, class, religion, and race, were central to the project of discovery, trade expansion and settlement in the early modern period. This was a period of flux and roles and relations within and outside households were affected. While prolonged absences from home could lead men to establish second families, their wives and daughters had the opportunity to oversee households and businesses.

The panel will investigate the extended family in its widest sense – encompassing mistresses as well as wives, children – legitimate and illegitimate, apprentices, servants and slaves. Families who maintained a connection to their place of origin are as significant as those for whom the dislocation was permanent for, as Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks has shown, interactions and relationships between individuals who are mobile affect those within their network who are not and so even fixed locations can be ‘saturated with transnational relationships’.

The panel will convene at the ANZAMEMS Eleventh Biennial Conference at the Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, 7-10 February 2017.

Potential topics include but are not limited to:

  • Merchant, maritime and/or military families/households
  • The division between public and private spheres
  • Education and mobility
  • Wardship and/or adoption and/or illegitimacy
  • Families in new worlds
  • Families and possessions
  • The family in text and image
  • Love, loss and memory
  • Race and/or gender and family
  • Faith and family
  • Guilds and/or apprentices and family
  • Servitude and/or slavery and the impact on family

If you would like to contribute a paper to this panel, please send the following to Heather Dalton at by 30 July, 2016 (with the subject line ‘Family’):

  • Paper title
  • Abstract (up to 150 words)
  • Your name, affiliation, and email address
  • An indication of AV requirements

ANZAMEMS Member News: Derek Ryan Whaley – PATS (2016) Report

Derek Ryan Whaley, Doctoral Candidate, University of Canterbury, Christchurch

Last week, I was privileged to be among two of the foremost scholars in the world of European manuscript studies: Rodney Thomson and Margaret M. Manion. I admit that I myself am not a palaeographer or codicologist, but nonetheless I learned much at the two-day Postgraduate Advanced Training Seminar held at the University of Sydney that may well help me both in my academic studies and my own personal pursuits.

The seminar series was divided into two days to cover the wide breadth of information that Thomson and Manion wished to convey to us regarding their experiences with manuscripts and their knowledge of the Fisher Library collection. What was by far the most rewarding aspect of the PATS was the hands-on interaction with around 20 medieval and early modern codices that the library holds (not counting 14 Spanish liturgical music manuscripts presented at the end of the first day). Thomson’s frequent reminder that there is always more to learn from handling the manuscript than can ever be gleaned from simply reading a transcription or viewing a digital copy was made abundantly clear to us all.

Over the course of the two days, we explored medieval manuscript preparation, organisation, bindings, writing, copying techniques, decorations, and provenance. Via our readings and Thomson’s statements, we were able to identify telling marks in the vellum leaves that told us where pages had been cut over multiple bindings, how authors ruled their lines, what the readers thought of the work, and how they portrayed their thoughts. Just like today, readers in the Middle Ages would doodle, highlight, and write notes in the margins to help them in their studies and understanding of the text. Hearing this is one thing, but seeing it firsthand in the pages is entirely another. It made the gap of time from the thirteenth century to the present seem infinitesimally small. Despite that gap, students today are little different in many ways from students then.

For me, the most helpful aspect of the PATS was right at the end, when Thomson broke down in minute detail the system he developed for cataloguing manuscripts, using an example from one of his own publications. Taking this knowledge, I was immediately able to understand a number of previously-indecipherable or seemingly-purposeless points in a catalogue that I had been using in my own research. This alone made the entire PATS worthwhile.

What was probably the most rewarding part, however, was the one-on-one interaction with the presenters. During the multiple tea and lunch breaks, I took every opportunity to ask questions about the manuscripts, the study of manuscripts, and aspects of my own research. Furthermore, the excellent group of regional students of palaeography brought me into contact with other like minds in a way I had not experienced in Australasia before.

My time at the University of Sydney was quite rewarding and the PATS held my interest throughout, even when the topic at hand was not of specific importance to my research. This was entirely due to the charismatic presentation style of Thomson and Manion and the curiosity that the manuscripts attracted.

ANZAMEMS Member News: Matthew Firth – PATS (2016) Report

Matthew Firth, Master of History Candidate, University of New England

The Postgraduate Advanced Training Seminar (The Manuscript Book) held at the University of Sydney in February proved to be a stimulating, constructive and rewarding event; I am thankful to ANZAMEMS for the bursary I was granted that facilitated my attendance. The commitment to organise such a unique event and the provision of assistance to students at the start of their academic careers demonstrates an inspiring commitment to the future of medieval and early modern studies in Australia and New Zealand. Special thanks must go to the Medieval and Early Modern Centre at the University of Sydney (as represented by Nicholas Sparks), the good staff of the rare book collection at the Fisher Library, and Rod Thomson and Margaret Manion, who were both so generous with their time and experience.

The two day seminar had a strong codicological focus as Rod Thomson guided us through the manufacture and construction of the medieval codex on the first day, aptly illustrated by a fine selection of manuscripts held in the Fisher collection. The second day saw a brief survey of medieval palaeography before Margaret Manion delved into illumination and brought some of the treasures of the Fisher collection to life.

Medieval history in Australian and New Zealand universities is so often a minority discipline that, unlike our European counterparts, opportunities to gain practical experience with manuscripts are rare. It is little surprise then that, for me, having access to personally examine manuscripts and gain insight into their physical composition was a highlight of seminar. Combined with the instruction of two of Australia’s foremost manuscript experts, it was an experience with which reading codicology and palaeography textbooks cannot compare!

I left the PATS enthused. I am more confident in my use of digitised manuscripts and am happily now able to understand obfuscatory scholarly manuscript analysis. Somewhat less pragmatically, I am also reasonably confident that I shan’t embarrass myself on my brief research trip to England later this year!

ANZAMEMS Annual General Meeting 2016

The upcoming ANZAMEMS AGM will be held on March 30, 2016 at 2:00pm (AEDST).

Meeting papers will be circulated to the membership shortly.

The meeting will be via SKYPE, and ANZAMEMS Secretary Clare Monagle will be the ‘host’. It would be great if members could get together on their campus, so that we can have as few sites of connection as possible. Please liaise with members in the same city and/or institution as yourself to join in the meeting as a group. We would be grateful, also, should you not be able to attend the meeting, if you would appoint a proxy. We need over 20 attendees to achieve a quorum, and we would be very disappointed if we needed to reschedule. Please let Clare know via email ( the best SKYPE username for your group, and she will add it her SKYPE account for the meeting.

ANZAMEMS Conference Panel: Mobility and Exchange in Medieval and Early Modern Afterlives – Call For Papers

A multicultural and global world has triggered a widespread and increasing fascination with all aspects and processes related to mobility and exchange in the humanities and social sciences. Like many disciplines in the humanities, medieval and early modern studies is often challenged about its relevance in the contemporary world. One way to respond to these concerns is to engage not just with the historic medieval and early modern past but also with the various medievalisms and early modernisms in contemporary popular culture.

Proposals are invited for papers for a panel engaging with ideas of mobility and exchange in medieval and early modern afterlives in television and cinema, children’s and young adult literature, comic books and graphic novels, computer gaming, new media and fandom, and other popular contemporary appropriations and re-imaginings.

The panel will convene at the ANZAMEMS Eleventh Biennial Conference at the Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, on the 7-10 February, 2017.

Potential topics for papers include but are not limited to:

  • Cross-Cultural and/or Inter-Cultural Mobilities and Exchange
  • Transnational Mobilities: Migration, Diaspora, Exile, and Homecomings
  • Uses of Media and Digital Technology
  • Exchange/Mobility and the Body
  • Mobility and Place: Situatedness, Belonging, and Home
  • Gender-, Race- and Class-Inflected Mobilities and Exchange
  • Issues of Translation and Adaptation: Semiotic Mobility and Exchange
  • Exchange/Mobility and Performance
  • Resistance to Exchange/Mobility

If you would like to contribute a paper to this panel, please send the following to by 5 August, 2016 with ‘MedEM Afterlives’ in the subject line:

  1. Paper title
  2. Abstract (up to 150 words)
  3. Your name, affiliation, and email address
  4. An indication of AV requirements