Category Archives: ANZAMEMS

ANZAMEMS: Diversity and Equity Statement

Dear ANZAMEMS Members,

At the 2016 ANZAMEMS AGM, Professor Stephanie Trigg drew the Association’s attention to recent discussion in social media concerning some disturbing anti-feminist material circulating on the website of a prominent medievalist. She highlighted that further reports had been circulated of sexual harassment, plagiarism, and sexist behaviour from a range of institutions and conferences of medieval and early modern studies worldwide. Following discussion, it was determined that, in line with a number of medieval societies, the Association would formulate a statement of principle about behaviour at conferences, and the conduct of academic business.

An ad hoc committee on Equity and Diversity, chaired by the Secretary, has recently completed work on a general statement of ethical principles that pertains to equity and diversity in our Association. We are extremely pleased to be able to circulate this statement to the membership. As part of this process, the General Committee will be appointing Diversity Officers from the existing ad hoc committee to assist any members if there is an issue they wish to raise. At the next AGM, the General Committee we will propose the permanent establishment of a committee on Equity and Diversity.

We hope you will agree that this is a positive and meaningful step forward for the Association. We have always been a friendly organisation that is respectful of the rights, views and orientations of others and this statement is intended to affirm and entrench those values.

A copy of the Association’s Diversity and Equity Statement can be downloaded at the ANZAMEMS website:

Clare Monagle, Secretary
Chris Jones, President

ANZAMEMS 2017: Postgraduate and ECR Bursaries: Extended Deadline and Criteria

Please note that the deadline and eligibility criteria for the ANZAMEMS Postgraduate / Recent Graduate Travel Bursaries have changed:

The Postgraduate and Recent Graduate bursary fund for the ANZAMEMS 2017 conference in Wellington received a generous contribution from ANZAMEMS at the last committee meeting.

As a result the eligibility has been extended to cover current postgraduate students, and early career researchers up to ten years since the completion of their degree.

The deadline for these bursaries has also been extended to Friday 18 November.

See the ANZAMEMS conference website for full details:

ANZAMEMS 2017 PATS: “Marginalia and Markings: Reading Medieval and Early Modern Readers” – Applications Close on November 4

Just a quick reminder that the closing date for Postgraduate Advanced Training Seminar (PATS) applications is tomorrow, November 4.

The topic of the PATS is “Marginalia and Markings: Reading Medieval and Early Modern Readers”, and it will be held at the National Library of New Zealand. The PATS will be held on the day following the ANZAMEMS conference in Wellington, on Saturday 11 February (9-5pm).

Because of the facilities and resources at the NLNZ, places at the PATS are strictly limited to 20.

We are inviting postgraduate student applications for the PATS by Friday 4 November, at which point we will select the applicants to whom the PATS seems most helpful. Any places unallocated after this process will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Full information about the PATS can be found at the ANZAMEMS conference website:

Parergon – Call for Proposals for Future Themed Issues

Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies

Call for proposals for a themed issue of Parergon

The journal Parergon, in print since 1971, regularly produces one open issue and one themed issue annually.

The most recent themed issues have been:

2014, 31.2 Medieval and Early Modern Emotional Responses to Death and Dying, guest-edited by Rebecca McNamara and Una McIlvenna

2015, 32.2 A Road Less Travelled: The Medieval and Early Modern World Reflected in New Zealand Collections guest-edited by Chris Jones

2015, 32.3 Religion, Memory and Civil War in the British Isles: Essays for Don Kennedy, guest-edited by Dolly MacKinnon, Alexandra Walsham, and Amanda Whiting

2016, 33.2 Approaches to Early Modern Nostalgia, guest-edited by Kristine Johanson (in print)

2016, 33.3 Poetry, the Arts of Discourse and the Discourse of the Arts: Rethinking Early Modern Poetic Theory and Practice, guest-edited by Zenón Luis-Martínez, Attila Kiss and Sonia Hernández Santano (forthcoming)


We now call for proposals for future themed issues, most immediately for 2018 (35.2)

Parergon publishes articles on all aspects of medieval and early modern studies, from early medieval through to the eighteenth century, and including the reception and influence of medieval and early modern culture in the modern world. We are particularly interested in research which takes new approaches and crosses traditional disciplinary boundaries. Themed issues contain up to ten essays, plus the usual reviews section. The guest editor is responsible for setting the theme and drawing up the criteria for the essays.

Proposals should contain the following:

  1. A draft title for the issue.
  2. A statement outlining the rationale for the issue.
  3. Titles and abstracts of all the essays.
  4. A short biographical paragraph for the guest editor(s) and for each contributor.
  5. An example of a completed essay if available. (This is not essential).

The editorial process

Once a proposal has been accepted:

  1. The guest editor will commission and pre-select the essays before submitting them to the Parergon editor by the agreed date.
  2. The Parergon editor will arrange for independent and anonymous peer-review in accordance with the journal’s established criteria.
  3. Once the essays have been peer-reviewed, the Parergon editor will communicate the feedback to the guest editor.
  4. The guest editor will then be asked to work with the authors to bring the submissions to the required standard where necessary.
  5. Occasionally a commissioned essay will be judged not suitable for publication in Parergon. This decision will be taken by the Parergon editor, based on the anonymous expert reviews.
  6. Essays which have already been published or accepted for publication elsewhere are not eligible for inclusion in the journal.

Time line

Proposals for the 2018 issue (35.2) are required by 30 January 2017, and completed essays by 30 November 2017 for publication in late 2018.

Preliminary expressions of interest are welcome at any time.

Proposals will be considered by a selection panel drawn from members of the Parergon Editorial Board who will be asked to assess and rank the proposals according to the following criteria:

  1. Suitability for the journal
  2. Originality of contribution to the chosen field
  3. Significance/importance of the proposed theme
  4. Potential for advancing scholarship in a new and exciting way
  5. Range and quality of authors

Parergon, is available in electronic form as part of Project Muse, Australian Public Affairs – Full Text (from 1994), and Wilson’s Humanities Full Text (from 2008); it is included in the Thomson Scientific Master Journal List of refereed journals and in the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH), and is indexed for nine major database services, including ABELL, IMB and Scopus.

Please correspond with Anne Scott

Anne M. Scott, Editor Parergon

The University of Western Australia

ANZAMEMS PATS 2017: “Marginalia and Markings: Reading Medieval and Early Modern Readers” – Call for Applications

Marginalia and Markings: Reading Early Modern and Medieval Readers
The National Library of New Zealand, Wellington
Saturday 11 February, 2017

Presenters include: Professor Lorna Hutson (Oxford), Associate Professor Rosalind Smith (Newcastle, Australia), Dr Malcolm Mercer (Royal Armouries, Tower of London), Dr Anthony Tedeschi (National Library of New Zealand)

A Postgraduate Advanced Training Seminar (PATS) will be held on the day following the ANZAMEMS conference in Wellington, on Saturday 11 February (9-5pm).

This PATS workshop will maximise the presence of multiple international experts in Wellington for the ANZAMEMS biennial conference, and link their scholarship on marginalia and markings in early books to the special collections of the National Library of New Zealand. Each of the presenters has distinct expertise in working with marginalia and other reader markings in medieval and early modern manuscripts and printed books, and the National Library’s collections provide ample materials for hands-on examination and discussion by PATS participants.

This one-day workshop will take the form of speaker presentations in the morning, followed by student-focused workshop sessions in the afternoon. Numbers are strictly limited to 20 students.

Morning tea, afternoon tea, and lunch will be provided for all participants.

A strictly limited number of bursaries will be available to support postgraduate student attendance at the PATS. Applications for these bursaries can be submitted with your application for the PATS.

For full details and to apply, please visit:

Applications close on Friday 4 November, 2016.

ANZAMEMS 2017 – Registration Now Open

Registration is now open for the 11th Biennial Conference of the Australian & New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, to be held at Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand from Tuesday 7 – Friday 10 February 2017.

To register, please visit:

Please note that we are asking all speakers to register by 30 November, 2016 so that the final programme can be devised with certainty. (If this causes a particular problem with institutional funding deadlines, please contact the conference organisers at:

Also, for Postgraduate presenters, there are a number of bursaries open for application:

The ARC Centre for the History of Emotions has generously sponsored a number of Philippa Maddern Travel Bursaries for postgraduate students presenting papers on emotions-related topics, and the closing date for these is coming up very quickly, on 1 October, 2016.

Applications for the Kim Walker Bursary and the George Yule essay prize are also due on 1 October, 2016.

ANZAMEMS 2017: CFP (Extended Until Sept. 16 ) / Applications for Philippa Maddern Travel Bursaries (Now due Oct. 1)

The Call For Papers for the 2017 ANZAMEMS conference which will be held at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, on 7-10 February 2017, has been extended until September 16. Please see the conference website for all details:

Please note that the deadline for applications for the Philippa Maddern Travel Bursaries (generously funded by the ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions) to attend 2017 ANZAMEMS conference has also been extended until 1 October. Full details here:

ANZAMEMS 2017 – Reminder CFP Closes in One Week (on September 1)

A quick reminder that the Call For Papers for the 2017 ANZAMEMS conference which will be held at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, on 7-10 February 2017, closes in one week on September 1. Call for Papers:

Postgraduate Bursaries: There are a range of travel bursaries and prizes available to postgraduate students to assist with conference costs. For further information see:

ANZAMEMS 2017 – Applications for Bursaries and Prizes – Applications Closing Soon

Just a quick reminder that applications for the following ANZAMEMS conference related bursaries and prizes will close soon.

For full information about each prize, including how to apply, please visit the Bursaries & Prizes page on the ANZAMEMS 2017 website:

The George Yule Prize [AUD$500, and a year’s free subscription to Parergon] – Application deadline: 1 October, 2016

The George Yule Prize is awarded to the best essay written by a postgraduate. It is awarded biennially, at each ANZAMEMS conference.

The Kim Walker Travel Bursary [AUD$500] – Application deadline: 1 October, 2016

The Kim Walker Travel Bursary is awarded in honour of Kim Walker, who taught in the English Programme at Victoria University of Wellington.

ANZAMEMS Postgraduate / Recent Graduate Travel Bursaries – Application deadline: 15 November, 2016

A limited number of open Postgraduate / Recent Graduate Bursaries may be provided, depending on donations received through the registration process.

Philippa Maddern Travel Bursaries [AUD$500 for applicants travelling from within New Zealand, AUD$750 for applicants from eastern Australia, and AUD$1,000 for applicants from Western Australia] – Application deadline: 1 September, 2016

Generously funded by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, Europe 1100-1800, the Philippa Maddern Travel Bursaries support postgraduates giving papers on topics related to the history of Emotions.

ANZAMEMS: Philippa Maddern ECR Publication Prize and the Patricia Crawford Postgraduate Publication Prize – Applications Close on Sept. 1

Just a quick reminder that applications for ANZAMEMS’ two new biennial publication prizes, the Philippa Maddern ECR Publication Prize and the Patricia Crawford Postgraduate Publication Prize, close on September 1, 2016.

Philippa Maddern ECR Publication Prize

The Philippa Maddern ECR Publication Prize is awarded to an Early Career Researcher (ECR) for the best article-length scholarly work in any discipline/topic falling within the scope of medieval and early modern studies, published within the previous two years (2014–15).

Philippa Maddern (1952–2014) was Professor of History at The University of Western Australia, Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, an ANZAMEMS stalwart, and an active member of the Association from its inception. Philippa contributed enormously to the development of medieval and early modern studies, both in Australia and globally. She gave great service as an office bearer of ANZAMEMS, serving in a range of capacities on the committee including many years as its Treasurer. Philippa was a great champion of researchers embarking on academic careers and ANZAMEMS is proud to establish a Publication Prize for Early Career Researchers in her honour.

Winners will receive A$1500 in prize money (or NZD equivalent), a travel bursary of A$500 to provide assistance in attending the ANZAMEMS Conference, a year’s membership of ANZAMEMS (including a subscription to Parergon), and a place at the ANZAMEMS Conference Dinner (at which the Prize is to be announced).

Full terms and conditions and the entry form for the Philippa Maddern ECR Publication Prize can be found on the ‘Bursaries and Prizes’ page at the ANZAMEMS website:

Submissions are due by: 5pm AWST, Thursday 1 September 2016.

Patricia Crawford Postgraduate Publication Prize

The Patricia Crawford Postgraduate Publication Prize will be awarded to a postgraduate student for the best article-length scholarly work in any discipline/topic falling within the scope of medieval and early modern studies, published within the previous two years (2014–15).

Patricia Crawford (1941–2009) was Professor Emerita of History at The University of Western Australia. A pioneering feminist historian, she is remembered as a leading scholar of early modern England whose work brought new depth to the study of women’s lives and thereby transformed understanding of the period. Trish was internationally recognised and served The University of Western Australia, her discipline, and ANZAMEMS with distinction. An active member of ANZAMEMS and the Parergon Editorial Committee, Trish was a scholar passionate about collaboration, and a mentor of extraordinary generosity, and ANZAMEMS is delighted to establish a Publication Prize for postgraduate students in her honour.

Winners will receive A$500 in prize money (or NZD equivalent), a travel bursary of A$500 to provide assistance in attending the ANZAMEMS Conference, a year’s membership of ANZAMEMS (including a subscription to Parergon), and a place at the ANZAMEMS Conference Dinner (at which the Prize is to be announced).

Full terms and conditions and the entry form for the Patricia Crawford Postgraduate Publication Prize can be found on the ‘Bursaries and Prizes’ page at the ANZAMEMS website:

Submissions are due by: 5pm AWST, Thursday 1 September 2016.

Please direct all queries regarding the prizes to: