Category Archives: ANZAMEMS

Parergon 2018 Early Career Researcher Committee Call for Nominations Reminder

Parergon 2018 Early Career Researcher Committee Call for Nominations

*Nominations close 19th January

Parergon, the journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (Inc.), seeks nominations for interested early career scholars within ANZAMEMS to participate as members of the 2018 Early Career Researcher (ECR) Committee. The aim of this committee is to recognise and support early career researcher contributions to ANZAMEMS, and specifically, Parergon.

The ECR Committee will meet quarterly, and offers an opportunity to provide advice to the Editorial team and gain a deeper understanding of the detailed intellectual and practical processes of production of a prestigious, peer-reviewed scholarly journal.

Additionally, participation in the ECR Committee will provide valuable service experience for those interested in pursuing academic and publishing career pathways. Membership of the ECR Committee is not a paid position.

A maximum of 10 places are currently available for the 2018 ECR Committee.

Terms are for a calendar year, with a possible maximal renewal of an additional, immediate year.

Nominations are sought from late-stage doctoral students through to those five years post PhD or equivalent), who are current members of ANZAMEMS.

Applications should consist of a cv, and a covering email outlining disciplinary expertise to the Editor of Parergon,

Doctoral students wishing to apply should also provide an email from their supervisor indicating support for their application.

Nominations close on 19 January 2017. Successful candidates will be notified in late January.

Selection criteria

Candidates are expected to be available to make 4 meetings a year in person or by skype/zoom link.

No prior experience is necessary

The Editorial team will seek to achieve a broad disciplinary spread among the committee.

Parergon Early Career Research Committee Terms of Reference

Version: 7 December 2017

1. Purpose

The Committee’s purposes are:

a) to provide advice to the Editor and Reviews Editor on the content, production and promotion of Parergon

b) to give the opportunity for early career researchers to gain experience in the intellectual and practical processes of production of a high-quality international peerreviewed journal

c) to support the aims of the association with regard to the publication of its journal

2. Membership

The members of the Committee are:

2.1 The Parergon Editor

2.2 The Parergon Reviews Editor

2.3 Up to 10 persons appointed by the Editor and Reviews Editor for one year.

Persons appointed in category 2.3:

a) must be members of ANZAMEMS; and

b) must be early career researchers (within five years of achieving a doctoral qualification) or currently enrolled doctoral students (with support of a doctoral supervisor)

c) are eligible for reappointment for a further term of one year.

3. Meetings

3.1 The Parergon Editor is the Chair of the committee.

3.2 The Committee normally meets quarterly

3.2 The Committee reports through the Editor to the ANZAMEMS Editorial Sub- Committee

ANZAMEMS and Equity and Diversity

Dear members,

You may already be aware of the statement released this week in relation to recent events in our wider community: “On Race and Medieval Studies: A Collective Statement by Medievalists of Color.”

The issues raised here concern the present and future of both medieval and early modern studies, and we encourage members to read and reflect on them.

In September last year, ANZAMEMS issued a statement describing its position on issues relating to Equity and Inclusion (link here). At the 2017 AGM, members agreed to establish an Equity & Diversity Sub-Committee, and the General Committee subsequently appointed two Diversity Officers: Stephanie Downes (Sub-Committee Chair and Australian Vice-President of ANZAMEMS) and Aidan Norrie (New Zealand Postgraduate Representative). Further Diversity Officers will be appointed and will be available to be contacted or approached at future ANZAMEMS events.

The Equity & Diversity Sub-Committee will continue taking steps to ensure that ANZAMEMS fosters a safe and welcoming environment for all members at all times. In the meantime, the Chair may be reached by members directly:


Chris Jones, President

Stephanie Downes, Chair of the Equity & Diversity Sub-Committee and Australian Vice-President

New Parergon Website – Now Online

ANZAMEMS and the Parergon Editorial Committee, are delighted to announce that the new website for Parergon, the journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (Inc.) is now online.

The new website can be accessed at: and was officially launched at ANZAMEMS’ Eleventh Biennial Conference held at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand in early February 2017.

Patricia Crawford Postgraduate Publication Prize Announcement

ANZAMEMS is delighted to announce Anna Milne-Tavendale as the winner of ANZAMEMS’ inaugural Patricia Crawford Postgraduate Publication Prize for her article:

‘John of Paris and the Apocalypse: The Boundaries of Dominican Scholastic Identity’, published in John of Paris: Beyond Royal and Papal Power, ed. Chris Jones (Brepols, 2015), pp. 119–49.

All four judges agreed that Anna’s article was of exceptionally high quality in a field of strong entrants.

Congratulations Anna!

Philippa Maddern ECR Publication Prize Announcement

ANZAMEMS is delighted to announce Dr Heather Dalton as the winner of its inaugural Philippa Maddern ECR Publication Prize for her article:

‘A Sulphur-crested Cockatoo in Fifteenth Century Mantua: Rethinking Symbols of Sanctity and Patterns of Trade’, published in Renaissance Studies 28/5 (November 2014): 676–94.

All four judges agreed that Heather’s article was of exceptionally high quality in a field of strong entrants.

Congratulations Heather!

ANZAMEMS 2017 Conference: Programme and Abstracts Now Online

ANZAMEMS is delighted to announce that the programme for the 11th Biennial ANZAMEMS conference has been released.

The ANZAMEMS conference programme and abstracts are now available online:

Corrections to the programme should be notified by email to by 9 January, 2017.

Registration for the conference is still open. Please visit to register.

ANZAMEMS 2017 – Early-Bird Registration Closes on 15 December

A reminder that Early-Bird registration for the 11th Biennial Conference of the Australian & New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (to be held at Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand from Tuesday 7 – Friday 10 February 2017) closes in one week!

The deadline for Early-Bird registration is 15 December, 2016.

To register, please visit:

ANZAMEMS 2017 – Registration Now Open

A reminder that registration is now open for the 11th Biennial Conference of the Australian & New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, to be held at Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand from Tuesday 7 – Friday 10 February 2017.
To register, please visit:

Please note that we are asking all speakers to register by 30 November, 2016 so that the final programme can be devised with certainty. (If this causes a particular problem with institutional funding deadlines, please contact the conference organisers at:

ANZAMEMS 2017 PATS: “Marginalia and Markings” – Some Places Remaining, Apply ASAP

There are some places remaining at our Postgraduate Advanced Training Seminar (PATS), to be held at the National Library of New Zealand on Saturday 11 February (see information below). If you are a Postgraduate Student or an ECR (up to two years’ standing), do apply asap. The remaining places will be filled on a rolling basis.

The topic of the PATS is “Marginalia and Markings: Reading Medieval and Early Modern Readers”, and it will be held at the National Library of New Zealand. The PATS will be held on the day following the ANZAMEMS conference in Wellington, on Saturday 11 February (9-5pm).

Because of the facilities and resources at the NLNZ, places at the PATS are strictly limited to 20.

Full information about the PATS can be found at the ANZAMEMS conference website: