Category Archives: ANZAMEMS

CFP: Boundaries of the Law panel at ANZAMEMS 2019

Proposals for 20-minute papers are invited for an interdisciplinary panel on boundaries of the law in medieval and early modern societies, to be convened at the ANZAMEMS 2019 conference, 5-8 February 2019, University of Sydney. The conference theme is Boundaries, Categories, Horizons.

Conventional approaches to legal history often aim to fix the parameters of any given legal system, and to clearly demarcate ‘law’ from ‘non-law’. Such approaches can be confounded by the realities of medieval and early modern societies, which were characterized by legal ambiguities, blurred boundaries, conflicting jurisdictions and contested authorities. This panel seeks to use interdisciplinary approaches, to ask new questions of familiar sources, and to use new sources and methods to productively explore tensions, complexities and conflict in the ways law was defined, enforced, experienced and resisted in medieval and early modern societies.

Topics and themes could include (but are not limited to):

  • Breaking the boundaries of conventional legal history – new sources and methodologies for studying law, legal cultures and society
  • Liminal spaces and overlapping jurisdictions
  • Textual and oral/aural authorities and knowledges
  • Gendered experiences of the law
  • Multilingualism and languages of the law
  • Blurred boundaries between law and custom
  • Literary representations of law and legal culture
  • Conflicting or inter-penetrating codes and legal cultures, including customary, civil and common law, and Christian, Jewish and Islamic traditions
  • The legal, the extra-legal and the illicit
  • Advocacy and legal practice by lay people, semi-professionals and professionals

This session is organized by Amanda McVitty (Massey University). Please send proposals for 20-minute papers to by 16 August 2018.

Proposals should include:

  • Presenter name
  • Affiliation (if relevant)
  • Paper title and a 200-word abstract
  • Any day of the conference on which you CANNOT present
  • AV requirements other than standard PowerPoint + projector

The twelfth biennial ANZAMEMS Conference will be held in Sydney, Australia, 5-8 February 2019 at the Camperdown Campus of the University of Sydney. For more information see

This panel is organized in accordance with the ANZAMEMS Equity & Diversity guidelines:

Call for submissions for Parergon journal

We invite established scholars, early career academics and advanced postgraduates to submit research articles for publication in Parergon, the journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (ANZAMEMS).

Parergon is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed journal that publishes on all aspects of medieval and early modern literature, history, arts and culture. We are especially interested in material that crosses traditional disciplinary boundaries and takes new approaches. Parergon is published as two issues per year; one of these is open-themed and the other is a guest-edited Special Issue.

Parergon is edited from the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies at The University of Western Australia, is fully refereed, and has an international Advisory Board. Parergon asks its authors to achieve international standards of excellence. Articles should be substantially original, advance research in the field, and have the potential to make a significant contribution to the critical debate. We do not accept submissions that have already been published elsewhere.

Parergon is included in the Clarivate Analytics Master Journal List of refereed journals and in the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH), and is indexed for nine major database services, including ABELL, IMB and Scopus. Content is available in electronic form as part of Project MUSE (From Volume 1 (1983)), Australian Public Affairs – Full Text (from 1994), and Humanities Full Text (from 2008).

This is an open call and manuscripts can be submitted at any time. For further information on Parergon and full submission guidelines, please visit:

Please feel free to print and circulate our PDF call for papers: [gview file=””]

Entries now open for ANZAMEMS Publication Prizes

Entries for ANZAMEMS’ two major biennial publication prizes are now open and will close on 30 September 2018. Prize-winners will be announced at the ANZAMEMS 2019 conference in Sydney, Australia. An overview of each prize is provided below. Please visit the ANZAMEMS website for full criteria and submission instructions:

Philippa Maddern ECR Publication Prize

The Philippa Maddern ECR Publication Prize is awarded to an Early Career Researcher (ECR) for the best article-length scholarly work in any discipline/topic falling within the scope of medieval and early modern studies, published within the previous two years.

Philippa Maddern (1952–2014) was Professor of History at The University of Western Australia, Director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, an ANZAMEMS stalwart, and an active member of the Association from its inception. Philippa contributed enormously to the development of medieval and early modern studies, both in Australia and globally. She gave great service as an office bearer of ANZAMEMS, serving in a range of capacities on the committee including many years as its Treasurer. Philippa was a great champion of researchers embarking on academic careers and ANZAMEMS is proud to establish a Publication Prize for Early Career Researchers in her honour.

Patricia Crawford Postgraduate Publication Prize

The Patricia Crawford Postgraduate Publication Prize will be awarded to a postgraduate student for the best article-length scholarly work in any discipline/topic falling within the scope of medieval and early modern studies, published within the previous two years.

Patricia Crawford (1941–2009) was Professor Emerita of History at The University of Western Australia. A pioneering feminist historian, she is remembered as a leading scholar of early modern England whose work brought new depth to the study of women’s lives and thereby transformed understanding of the period. Trish was internationally recognised and served The University of Western Australia, her discipline, and ANZAMEMS with distinction. An active member of ANZAMEMS and the Parergon Editorial Committee, Trish was a scholar passionate about collaboration, and a mentor of extraordinary generosity, and ANZAMEMS is delighted to establish a Publication Prize for postgraduate students in her honour.

CFP: AEMA panels at ANZAMEMS 2019

The Australian Early Medieval Association (AEMA) is calling for paper proposals on Cultural Identity in the Anglo-Scandinavian World, to be presented as part of a panel convened at ANZAMEMS 2019

Scandinavian migration and settlement in the British Isles and Ireland in the early Viking Age effected significant cultural and social change among communities as cultures interacted, assimilated and, at times, rejected one-another. For scholars, categorising the resultant cultural groups has proved contentious, with a proliferation of overlapping terms such as ‘Anglo-Dane,’ ‘Anglo-Scandinavian,’ ‘Hiberno-Norse,’ ‘viking,’ ‘Norse,’ and ‘Dane,’ used interchangeably as ethnic identifiers. Contemporary sources, in contrast, do not clearly ascribe identity to ethnicity, but rather by cultural origin or religion. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, for example, primarily refers to those of a Scandinavian cultural identity simply as Dene [Dane] or, at times when interactions were hostile, as hæðene [heathen]. Which gives rise to the question: how was cultural identity perceived in the Early Medieval Anglo-Scandinavian world and to what degree was self-identity associated with ethnicity, religion, or language?

Proposals are invited for 20 minute papers on any aspect of Anglo-Scandinavian cultural identity including, but not limited to:

  • Migration and the inter-cultural exchange of ideas
  • Religious identity and Christianisation
  • Linguistic identity and cross-cultural communication
  • Characterisations of the foreign in saga literature
  • The utility of modern categories of cultural identification

Please note that depending on the number of papers received and breadth of topics there may be the opportunity for a second panel: Religious Identity in the Anglo-Scandinavian World.

Please email your completed proposal to Matthew Firth ( by 3 August 2018. Please include the following information:

  • Name
  • Affiliation (independent scholars welcome)
  • Email
  • Day or days of the conference on which you will NOT be able to give your paper?
  • Audio-visual requirements
  • Abstract (up to 300 words)

This panel will convene at the ANZAMEMS conference on 5-8 February 2019 at the University of Sydney, Australia. Please visit for further conference information, and for the ANZAMEMS Equity and Diversity guidelines.

Call for Expressions of Interest: ANZAMEMS 2021 Conference

ANZAMEMS welcomes Expression of Interests for its 2021 Conference. By convention, the next host would normally be a venue in Australia. Up to $20,000 in conference funding is provided to the successful host institution(s).

The ANZAMEMS Conference Policy can be downloaded here (Version effective February 2017).

A copy of the Association’s Equity and Inclusivity Guidelines for ANZAMEMS Conference and Event Planners can be downloaded here (Version effective 16 February 2018).

For further information, please contact:
Dr Chris Jones
President, Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval & Early Modern Studies

CFP for two panel proposals for ANZAMEMS 2019

Speakers are invited to submit paper proposals for two panels at ANZAMEMS 2019 on “Rereading the Medieval and Early Modern” and “Language and Agency from Medieval to Modern”.

Submissions for these panels close 10 August 2018. Please email your completed proposal to BOTH and​ An overview of each panel is provided below. See the attached PDF for full details.

Rereading the Medieval and Early Modern

For Vladimir Nabokov, the process of re-reading is always constructive: “A good reader, a major reader, an active and creative reader is a rereader.” For Patricia Meyer Spacks, re-reading — though satisfying for pure literary analysis — can reveal unwelcome truths about the past, and cause disenchantment with works we used to love. While a first reading depends (primarily) on the expectation of pleasure (of a vicarious or hermeneutic kind), re-reading draws on critical self-awareness. According to Michael Riffaterre, only a second and separate retroactive reading can produce “significance” by identifying and reconfiguring the various perspectives of the text. Thomas Leitch argues that re-readings allow for an “appreciation of the story through an analysis of the ways in which it achieves its initial effects.” If we all already know what will happen in medieval and early modern texts, what changes for us when we return to them? Do different words, phrases, symbols, and ideas become important when refocused by class, gender, and race? How do these texts have different meanings when read in different contexts? Are re-readings better readings? This panel aims to examine the process of re-reading the medieval and early modern, in revisitations and adaptations.

Language And Agency From Medieval To Early Modern

Nearly a decade ago, Ardis Butterfield proposed that “we cannot understand Englishness without seeking to understand what was then its superior cultural other of Frenchness”. She also argued for the “strangely elusive” notion of medieval Englishness, where “we find ourselves in a verbal world that is both fragmented and plural, where audiences are not merely ‘English’, but multilingual (in varying degrees), partly local, partly international, and from more than one social, cultural, and intellectual background.”​ How do medieval or early modern texts engage with relationships between language(s) and agency? How might gender or education, religious or otherwise, play a part in writers’ engagement with different kinds of agency? How might language(s) grant or withhold agency? What is different or indeed similar between medieval and early modern engagements with language and agency?

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ANZAMEMS 2019 Conference Annoucement

Dear Colleagues and friends,

We invite participants from around the world to join us for the twelfth biennial ANZAMEMS Conference to be held in Sydney, Australia, 5-8 February 2019 at the Camperdown Campus of the University of Sydney. The theme for ANZAMEMS 2019 is Categories, Boundaries, Horizons. The Call for Papers will open in early 2018.

We are delighted to announce the following confirmed, keynote speakers:

Assoc.Prof. Seeta Chaganti (English, University of California – Davis)
Prof. Jane Davidson (Music, Victorian College of the Arts and Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, University of Melbourne)
Assoc.Prof. Yuen-Gen Liang (History, National Taiwan University)
Prof. C.H. Lüthy (Philosophy, Radboud University)
Prof. Elaine Treharne (English, Stanford University)

A two-day Postgraduate Advanced Training Seminar (PATS) will take place prior to the conference on 4-5 February 2019. Full details will become available in early 2018.


For social media users, the conference hashtag will be #ANZA19 

Best wishes,

Daniel Anlezark
on behalf of the organising committee


Australian Early Medieval Association (AEMA)
13th International Conference
Flinders University, Bedford Park, South Australia, 20–21 July 2018
Invasion, Migration, Communication, and Trade
Abstracts of 250–300 words for 20 minute papers to: by 5 March 2018.
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Australian School of Celtic Learning, Coming Events
St Patrick–Reading the Lives, Friday 16 March
Cost $95/$65
Saints of Wales and Cornwall, 1 March
Introduction to Celtic Languages, Introduction to Celtic Languages, seminar series
7 March–12 April
Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney
Enquiries Pamela O’Neill:

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The Plantagenet History Society of Australia Welcomes New Members with an Interest in History
The aim of the Society is to promote interest and discussion of all aspects of the Plantagenet era, Henry II to Richard III (1154 to 1485). This includes: kings and their courts, family life, music, customs, architecture, food and drink, warfare and the law.
Meetings 2.00–4pm on the third Saturday of January, March, May, July, September and November at the Meeting Room, Hornsby Library, Hunter Lane, Hornsby.
17 March 2018
Carole Cusack: Death, Famine, War & Conquest: The Black Death, The Hundred Years’ War, & Popular Revolt in the Calamitous 14th Century

Early Career Researchers and Postgraduate Student Article Prizes 2018–Call for Nominations
Royal Studies Journal and Canterbury Christ Church University (CCCU)
Closing date extended to 31 March 2018
Enquiries to the prize convenor Zita Rohr, OR the Journal Editor-in-Chief, Elan Woodacre
[gview file=””]

Call for Papers
Journal of Icon Studies, 2 (2018)
Call for papers for its second issue scheduled for online publication December 2018
Deadline for Submissions 1 June 2018
Enquiries to Wendy Salmond at

23RD Australasian Conference of Irish Studies–Irish Studies Conference
Myth and Memory
27 November to 30 November 2018, University of Sydney (Camperdown Campus)
[gview file=””]

Conference: The Middle Ages in the Modern World
Call for papers due: 15 April 2018
Location: Rome, 21–24 November 2018, with optional site visits on 25 November
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Shakespeare Summer School
Location: Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, France
Convenors Victoria Bladen, Nathalie Vienne-Gurerrin
9–13 July 2018
300 euros/250 euros
University of Queensland students: The summer school is registered as an activity for the purposes of the UQ Employability Award
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PhD students
Conference: Gender and Public Space in History
Supported by Universities at Rouen, Madrid, Naples, Rome and Vienna launch a Graduate School.
Languages are French and English.
Call for Papers: Deadline 1 March 2018 to
Location: Rouen, 4–7 Jun 2018



Parergon: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (Inc.)

The journal Parergon, in print since 1971, regularly produces one open issue and one themed issue annually.

Recent themed issues include:

2014, 31.2 Medieval and Early Modern Emotional Responses to Death and Dying, guestedited by Rebecca McNamara and Una McIlvenna

2015 32.2 A Road Less Travelled: The Medieval and Early Modern World Reflected in New Zealand Collections, guest-edited by Chris Jones

2015, 32.3 Religion, Memory, and Civil War in the British Isles: Essays for Don Kennedy, guestedited by Dolly MacKinnon, Alexandra Walsham, and Amanda Whiting

2016, 33.2 Approaches to Early Modern Nostalgia, guest-edited by Kristine Johanson

2017, 34.2 Exile and Imprisonment in Medieval and Early Modern Europe, guest-edited by Lisa Di Crescenzo and Sally Fisher

We now call for proposals for future themed issues, specifically for 2020 (37.2)

Parergon publishes articles on all aspects of medieval and early modern studies, from early medieval through to the eighteenth century, and including the reception and influence of medieval and early modern culture in the modern world. We are particularly interested in research which takes new approaches and crosses traditional disciplinary boundaries.

Parergon asks its authors to achieve international standards of excellence. The article should be substantially original, advance research in the field, and have the potential to make a significant contribution to the critical debate.

Parergon, is available in electronic form as part of Project Muse, Australian Public Affairs – Full Text (from 1994), and Humanities Full Text (from 2008); it is included in the Thomson Scientific Master Journal List of refereed journals and in the European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH), and is indexed for nine major database services, including ABELL, IMB and Scopus.

Themed issues contain up to ten essays, plus the usual reviews section. The guest editor is responsible for setting the theme and drawing up the criteria for the essays.

Time line

Proposals for the 2020 issue (37.2) should be submitted to the Editor by 1 March 2018.

Proposals should contain the following:

1. A draft title for the issue.

2. A statement outlining the rationale for the issue.

3. Titles and abstracts of all the essays.

4. A short biographical paragraph for the guest editor(s) and for each contributor.

5. An example of a completed essay if available. (This is not essential).

Proposals will be considered by a selection panel drawn from the Parergon International Editorial Board who will be asked to assess and rank the proposals according to the following criteria:

1. Suitability for the journal

2. Originality of contribution to the chosen field

3. Significance/importance of the proposed theme

4. Potential for advancing scholarship in a new and exciting way

5. Range and quality of authors

Guest editors will be notified of the result of their application by the beginning of May 2018.

The editorial process

Once a proposal has been accepted:

1. The guest editor will commission and pre-select the essays before submitting them to the Parergon editor by the agreed date (for issue 37.2, 1 June 2019).

2. The Parergon editor will arrange for independent and anonymous peer-review in accordance with the journal’s established criteria.

3. Once the essays have been peer-reviewed, the Parergon editor will communicate the feedback to the guest editor.

4. The guest editor will then be asked to work with the authors to bring the submissions to the required standard where necessary.

5. Occasionally a commissioned essay will be judged not suitable for publication in Parergon. This decision will be taken by the Parergon editor, based on the anonymous expert reviews.

6. Essays which have already been published or accepted for publication elsewhere are not eligible for inclusion in the journal.

Please send enquiries and proposals to the Editor, Susan Broomhall, at