Category Archives: prize

Australian Academy of the Humanities: 2016 Grants and Awards – Applications Now Open

The Australian Academy of the Humanities is pleased to announce that applications for the following Grants and Awards are now open.

Applications close at 5:00pm AEST on Thursday 24 March 2016.

AAH Humanities Travelling Fellowships

The Humanities Travelling Fellowships offer grants of up to $4000 to support Australian early career researchers in the Humanities to undertake research overseas, including accessing archives and other research materials and connecting with international researchers and networks.

AAH Publication Subsidy Scheme

The Publication Subsidy Scheme offers grants of up to $3000 to support the publication of scholarly works of high quality in the Humanities. The scheme is designed to assist Humanities scholars based in Australia.

The 2016 Crawford Medal

Nominations are open for the 2016 Crawford Medal.The Crawford Medal is Australia’s most prestigious award for achievement and promise in the humanities. It is presented biennially to an Australian-based, early-career scholar working and publishing in the humanities, whose publications contribute towards an understanding of their discipline by the general public. The award is funded through a generous bequest to the Academy from the late Professor Max Crawford FAHA.

Please click on the above links for further details about the schemes and the application process. Questions concerning these awards should be directed to the Grants Manager (

Shout Out For the Humanities Student Prize Contest – Call For Applications announces its Shout Out For the Humanities student prize contest. Prizes are offered for best undergraduate (1st prize: US $1,000 – 2nd: $700 – 3rd: $300) and best graduate student (1st prize: US $1,000 – 2nd: $700 – 3rd: $300) submissions by students from any nation, working individually or in teams, that speak up for the value of the humanities in today’s society. 4Humanities wants to showcase student ideas and voices on such questions as: * Why is studying the humanities–e.g., history, literature, languages, philosophy, art history, media history, and culture–important to you? * To society? * How would you convince your parents, an employer, a politician, or others that there is value in learning the humanities?

Submissions will be judged by an international panel of distinguished judges for message, quality, and impact no matter the medium or format. Possible submissions include: essay (less than 2,000 words), video, digital work, poster, cartoon, song, art, short story, interview. Submissions are due March 1, 2016.

Students may enter the contest as individuals or teams if they are currently enrolled in an institution of higher education or graduated no more than two years beyond the contest submission deadline.

Prize winners will and their submissions will be featured on the 4Humanities site; and 4Humanities will also showcase many other student submissions.

For full submission guidelines and to apply, please visit:

Adaptation Essay Prize 2016 – Call For Applications

The Adaptation Essay Prize is a new innovation from the journal, launched in 2011 to encourage the best new scholarship in the field. While the journal publishes many articles which focus on the relationship between literature and film, the Editors are particularly keen to publish work which challenges the primacy of that relationship: this might include essays on computer games, opera, popular music, animation, genre fiction or work with a wider theoretical sweep.

The Adaptation Prize

The winner’s prize will consist of:

  • Publication of the winning paper in a volume of Adaptation
  • A cash prize of £50.00
  • A year’s free print and online subscription to Adaptation

Other entries of sufficient quality may be invited to publish.

Entry requirements

The Essay Prize is open to anyone currently registered for either an undergraduate or postgraduate degree on any subject within adaptation studies. The entry must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Essays are to be no longer than 4,000 words, inclusive of footnotes and references should conform to Adaptation house style. The closing date will be 1 April 2016,.

For full details on how to apply, please visit:

Western Australian Premier’s Book Awards 2016 – Entries for Non-Fiction Category Now Open

Have you published a work of non-fiction in the past two years? Why not enter it into the Western Australian Premier’s Book Awards?

Non-fiction ($15,000)
For a work of Non-fiction which may include biography, autobiography, history, natural history, literary criticism and other works of social, political or topical interest.

This category attracts a prize of $15,000 and could even win the Premier’s Prize of $25,000.
For more information, please visit:

The closing date for entries in all categories is 5pm (WST) Friday, 29 January 2016.

Robert L. Kindrick–CARA Award for Outstanding Service to Medieval Studies – Call For Applications

The Robert L. Kindrick–CARA Award for Outstanding Service to Medieval Studies recognizes Medieval Academy members who have provided leadership in developing, organizing, promoting, and sponsoring medieval studies through the extensive administrative work that is so crucial to the health of medieval studies but that often goes unrecognized by the profession at large. This award of $1000 is presented at the Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy.

The annual deadline for nominations is 15 November. Three nominators are required, all of whom should have first-hand knowledge of the nominee’s contributions to Medieval Studies.

For more information, please visit:

CARA Award for Excellence in Teaching – Call For Applications

The CARA Award for Excellence in Teaching Medieval Studies recognizes Medieval Academy members who are outstanding teachers who have contributed to the profession by inspiring students at the undergraduate or graduate levels or by creating innovative and influential textbooks or other materials for teaching medieval subjects.

This award of $1000 is presented at the Annual Meeting of the Medieval Academy.

The annual deadline for nominations is 15 November. Three nominators are required, one of whom should be a former student of the nominee.

For more information, please visit:

The Sherry L. Reames Graduate Student Travel Award for Hagiographical Studies – Call For Applications

The Hagiography Society is pleased to invite applications for the Sherry L. Reames Graduate Student Travel Award for Hagiographical Studies. Named in honor of the beloved founder and long-time leader of the Society, the award provides $300 to be used toward travel to present at the International Congress on Medieval Studies, held annually at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI.

Eligibility: Students enrolled in a graduate program (anywhere in the world) are eligible to apply if their paper, on a topic involving hagiography, has been accepted for inclusion in the program of the International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, MI, at the time of application. Preference may be given to Hagiography Society members. For complete information on how to apply, please visit:

Deadline: November 1, 2015.

Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship: 2015 Prize for Best First Feminist Book on the Middle Ages – Call For Applications

The Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship announces the 2015 competition for the best first monograph on feminist scholarship on the Middle Ages. The Prize alternates every other year between a published essay and a first book.

The SMFS Awards Committee solicits nominations for Best First Feminist Book in any area of medieval studies.

Nominated books should represent the best in feminist scholarship published in 2014 and 2015. The Prize, which includes an award of $500, will be announced at the SMFS reception at the 2016 International medieval Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamzoo, UI. Self-nominations are acceptable.

Please send at least two copies (more if available) of nominated books, along with a brief covering letter summarizing the book’s merits and contributions to feminist scholarship by 31 December, 2015 to:

In the UK/Europe: Professor Liz Herbert McAvoy, Department of English Language and Literature, 212 Keir Hardie Building, Swansea University, Singleton Park Campus, Swansea SA2 8PP.

Elsewhere (including North America): Professor Bonnie Krueger, Department of French, 198 College Hill Road, Hamilton College, Clinton, NY 13323, USA.

Society for Neo-Latin Studies (SNLS) Early-Career Essay Prize – Call For Applications

Submissions are now invited for the inaugural Society for Neo-Latin Studies (SNLS) Early-Career Essay Prize.

All PhD students and post-docs up to two years after their viva by the deadline (who are also members) are eligible to submit an essay of up to 7,000 words, including footnotes, but excluding bibliography and any appendixes (e.g. part of a chapter or a draft of an article or a written version of a conference paper) by 1 September 2015 (as an email attachment to All submissions will be judged by members of the Executive Committee, who may ask other experts to join them. The winner will be announced at the AGM in November and will receive a certificate, a small financial award and publication advice if required.

The Philippa Maddern UWA Academic Staff Association Award – Call For Nominations

To celebrate Philippa Maddern’s life and the legacy of her inspirational leadership, UWAASA has launched this biennial award that pays tribute to exceptional Academics. UWAASA offers members of the University’s Alumni, including UWA graduates and graduands, members of Senate, staff past and present, UWA’s valued donors, corporate partners, volunteers and friends of the University, the opportunity to recognise an academic for his/her positive influence on either themselves or the Community.

The recipients of the awards should be exemplars of UWA’s motto, Seek Wisdom.

For more information, please visit: