Category Archives: prize

Sherry L. Reames Graduate Student Travel Award for Hagiographical Studies – Call For Applications

The Hagiography Society is pleased to announce the creation of the Sherry L. Reames Graduate Student Travel Award for Hagiographical Studies. Named in honor of the beloved founder and long-time leader of the Society, the award provides $300 to be used toward travel to present at the International Congress on Medieval Studies, held annually at the University of Western Michigan in Kalamazoo, MI.

Students enrolled in a graduate program (anywhere in the world) whose paper has been accepted for inclusion in the program of the International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, MI, are eligible to apply.

Please submit the following documents, combined as a single .pdf file, by November 1 to the Secretary / Treasurer of the Hagiography Society:

  1. a current curriculum vitæ
  2. the abstract for the accepted paper, identifying the panel on which it will be presented
  3. a cover letter, addressing the following questions:
  4. How does this paper fit into your scholarly trajectory?
  5. Have you presented at a scholarly conference before?
  6. Have you received other funding for travel (this paper or others)?

Successful applicants will be informed of the results by December 15.

The CHASS Australia Prizes – Call For Applications

The CHASS Australia Prizes are awarded by the Council for the Humanities, Arts and Social Science (CHASS). They are presented at the annual CHASS National Forum Dinner. The Australia Prizes are designed to honour distinguished achievement by Australian academics, practitioners, philanthropists and policy makers in HASS (Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences) areas. The Australia Prizes are intended to draw international attention to Australia’s achievements in HASS.

In 2014, there will be four prizes. Two are valued at $3500 each and are sponsored by Routledge/Taylor and Francis Publishers: one for a book (e-books are acceptable) that enriches Australian cultural and intellectual life, the second for an exceptional artistic performance, exhibition, film, television show, play, composition or practical contribution to arts policy. The third prize, which is valued at $2000, is sponsored by Future Leaders and is for an individual under 35 years-old who is demonstrating leadership skill and potential in the arts, humanities and social sciences. The Co-Op bookstore chain has sponsored the fourth prize. It is valued at $500 and is for an undergraduate student essay, project or thesis in a HASS area.

Submissions close  30 June 2014.

For more information and to apply, please visit:

Australian Historical Association: Jill Roe Prize – Call For Applications

The Jill Roe Prize will be awarded annually for the best unpublished article-length work (5,000-8,000 words) of historical research in any area of historical enquiry, produced by a postgraduate student enrolled for a History degree at an Australian university.

The Award honours the career of Professor Emerita Jill Roe, an eminent Australian historian who has made a very significant contribution to the writing, teaching and public communication of history in Australia and abroad. The Award will consist of a cash payment and a citation, presented annually at the Australian Historical Association (AHA) national conference. In addition to the prize the winning entry will be considered for publication in History Australia – the journal of the AHA.

The Jill Roe Prize has a deadline of 31 March 2014.

Please note: candidates for AHA prizes must be members of the Australian Historical Association.

For full details, please visit:

SAIMS/TMJ Essay Prize – Call For Applications

The St Andrews Institute of Mediaeval Studies (SAIMS) invites entries for its annual Essay Competition, submitted according to the following rules:

1. The competition is open to all medievalists who are graduate students or have completed a higher degree within the last three years. For PhD students the time period of three years begins from the date of the successful viva, but excludes any career break. Any candidate in doubt of their eligibility should contact the Director of SAIMS at
2. A candidate may make only one submission to the competition.
3. The submission must be the candidate’s own work, based on original research, and must not have been previously published or accepted for publication.
4. Submissions are welcomed on any topic that falls within the scope of medieval studies.
5. The submission should be in the English language.
6. The word limit is 8,000 words, including notes, bibliography, and any appendices.
7. The text should be double-spaced, and be accompanied by footnotes with short referencing and a full bibliography of works cited, following the guidelines on the TMJwebpage: An abstract of 200 words should preface the main text.
8. The deadline for submissions is 31 March 2014.
9. The essay must be submitted electronically to, in both Word and pdf formats, to arrive by the deadline.
10. The submission must be accompanied by a completed cover sheet and signed declaration; the template for this is available at
The candidate’s name should not appear on the submission itself, nor be indicated in any form in the notes.
11. Decisions concerning the Competition lie with the Editors and Editorial Board of The Mediaeval Journal, who can, if they consider there to have been appropriate submissions, award an Essay Prize and in addition declare a proxime accessit. In the unlikely event that, in the judges’ opinion, the material submitted is not of a suitable standard, no prize will be awarded.
12. The value of the Prize is £500.
13. A candidate whose entry is declared proxime accessit will be awarded £100.
14. In addition to the Prize, the winning submission will be published within twelve months in The Mediaeval Journal, subject to the usual editorial procedures of the journal.

Any queries concerning these rules maybe directed to the Director of SAIMS who can be contacted at:

Department of Mediaeval History,
71 South Street,
St Andrews, Fife KY16 9QW

Medium Ævum Essay Prize 2013

In 2007, The Society for the Study of Medieval Languages and Literature established the Medium Ævum Essay Prize. The competition is run annually, with postgraduates and those recently graduated with a higher degree invited to submit an essay on a topic that falls within the range of the interests of Medium Ævum in the medieval period (up to c. 1500). The prize is £250. In addition, the winning article may be considered for publication in Medium Ævum, subject to the usual editorial procedures of the journal.

A list of previous Essay Prize Winners is downloadable here.

The deadline for Essay Prize is 12 December. The rules of the competition are available here. It is a requirement to submit an entry with a completed cover sheet, which is available, in Word doc format. Any queries can be directed to Executive Officer of the Society.

Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship – 2014 Prize for Best First Feminist Book on the Middle Ages – Call For Submissions

The Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship announces the 2014 competition for the best first monograph on feminist scholarship on the Middle Ages. The Prize alternates every other year between a published essay and a first book.

The SMFS Awards Committee solicits nominations for Best First Feminist Book in any area of medieval studies.

Nominated books should represent the best in feminist scholarship published in 2012 and 2013. The prize, which includes an award of $500, will be announced at the SMFS reception at the 2014 International Congress on Medieval Studies in Kalamazoo, MI.

Self-nominations are acceptable.

Please send at least two copies (more if available) of nominated books, along with a brief cover letter summarizing the book’s merits and contributions, by December 31, 2013 to:

Professor Sally Livingston
Department of Humanities-Classics
Ohio Wesleyan University
61 S. Sandusky St.
Delaware, OH 43015

2015 Catharine Stimpson Prize for Outstanding Feminist Scholarship – Call For Applications

Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society is pleased to announce the competition for the 2015 Catharine Stimpson Prize for Outstanding Feminist Scholarship.

Named in honor of the founding editor of Signs, the Catharine Stimpson Prize is designed to recognize excellence and innovation in the work of emerging feminist scholars.

The Catharine Stimpson Prize is awarded biennially to the best paper in an international competition. Leading feminist scholars from around the globe will select the winner. The prizewinning paper will be published in Signs, and the author will be provided an honorarium of $1,000. All papers submitted for the Stimpson Prize will be considered for peer review and possible publication in Signs.

Deadline for Submissions: March 1, 2014.

Eligibility: Feminist scholars in the early years of their careers (fewer than seven years since receipt of the terminal degree) are invited to submit papers for the Stimpson Prize. Papers may be on any topic that falls under the broad rubric of interdisciplinary feminist scholarship. Submissions must be no longer than 10,000 words (including notes and references) and must conform to the guidelines for Signs contributors.

Please submit papers online at Be sure to select Major Article—Stimpson Prize as the article type when submitting and indicate submission for the Stimpson Prize in the cover letter. The honorarium will be awarded upon publication of the prizewinning article.

Bibliographical Society of America: New Scholars Program – Call For Applications

Each year, the Bibliographical Society of America (BSA) invites three scholars in the early stages of their careers to present twenty-minute papers on their current, unpublished research in the field of bibliography as members of a panel at BSA’s Annual Meeting, which takes place in New York City in late January. The New Scholars Program seeks to promote the work of scholars who are new to the field of bibliography, broadly defined.

Those selected for the panel receive $600 toward the cost of attending the Annual Meeting and a complimentary one-year membership in BSA.

For more about the New Scholars Program and application procedures, see:

The application deadline has been extended to Sept. 15, 2013.

Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship – Best Graduate Student Article Contest 2013

The Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship announces the 2013 competition for the best graduate student article in any area of medieval studies. Nominated articles should represent the best in feminist scholarship written in the 2012-2013 academic year. 
The prize includes an award of 5 years’ membership in SMFS and publication of the winning paper,
subject to editing, in our journal Medieval Feminist Forum. 
Self-nominations are welcome. 
Please send nominated articles by September 5, 2013, to:

Prof. Sally Livingston
Department of Humanities-Classics
Ohio Wesleyan University
Delaware, OH 43015

I Tatti Prize for Best Essay by a Junior Scholar – Call For Applications

This annual prize is awarded to a junior scholar for the best scholarly article on an Italian Renaissance topic, published in English or Italian. The subject can be any aspect of the Italian Renaissance, broadly defined as the period ranging from the 13th to the 17th centuries, and including historiography. The selection committee looks for rigorous and original research, and convincing results expressed in clear and effective prose. The winning article(s) will be posted on the I Tatti website, and the author will receive $1,000. For the winner of the 2011 prize, please click here.


  1. Applicants must have received a PhD, dottorato di ricerca or equivalent between 1 January 2008 and 30 June 2013.
  2. Include the title of the journal, volume number, and page range. Only articles printed in 2012 are eligible. If the date on the title page is not 2012, please include proof of publication date below.
  3. Current employees of I Tatti, or appointees from academic years 2012/13 or 2013/14 are not eligible.
 Deadline: 1 June 2013