Category Archives: publication

Understanding Emotions in Early Europe – Available to Order

Understanding Emotions in Early Europe, M. Champion, A. Lynch (eds.)

Drawing on the latest scholarship from international resarchers, this dedicated collection investigates how medieval and early modern articulated emotions. This book investigates how medieval and early modern Europeans constructed, understood, and articulated emotions. The essays trace concurrent lines of influence that shaped post-Classical understandings of emotions through overlapping philosophical, rhetorical, and theological discourses. They show the effects of developments in genre and literary, aesthetic, and cognitive theories on depictions of psychological and embodied emotion in literature. They map the deeply embedded emotive content inherent in rituals, formal documents, daily conversation, communal practice, and cultural memory. The contributors focus on the mediation and interpretation of pre-modern emotional experience in cultural structures and institutions — customs, laws, courts, religious foundations — as well as in philosophical, literary, and aesthetic traditions.

This volume thus represents a conspectus of contemporary interpretative strategies, displaying close connections between disciplinary and interdisciplinary critical practices drawn from historical studies, literature, anthropology and archaeology, philosophy and theology, cognitive science, psychology, religious studies, and gender studies. The essays stretch from classical and indigenous cultures to the contemporary West, embracing numerous national and linguistic groups. They illuminate the complex potential of medieval and early modern emotions in situ, analysing their involvement in subjects as diverse as philosophical individual and communal identity, social and political practices, and the manifold business of everyday life.

To order this collection, and for more information on contributors, please see the flyer below:

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New Publication on the History of the Book in New Zealand: “Hocken, Prince of Collectors”

A new publication which may interest members, from Dr. Donald Kerr, Special Collections Librarian at the University of Otago, that enhances our knowledge of the history of the book in New Zealand:

Hocken. Prince of Collectors, by Donald Kerr
Otago University Press
Jacketed hardback, 155 x 240 mm
424 pp & 40 pp photos
ISBN 978-1-877578-66-3, $60.00

Dr Thomas Morland Hocken (1836–1910) arrived in Dunedin in 1862, aged 26. Throughout his busy life as a medical practitioner he amassed books, manuscripts, sketches, maps and photographs of early New Zealand. Much of his initial collecting focused on the early discovery narratives of James Cook; along with the writings of Rev. Samuel Marsden and his contemporaries; Edward Gibbon Wakefield and the New Zealand Company; and Maori, especially in the south. He gifted his collection to the University of Otago in 1910.

Hocken was a contemporary of New Zealand’s other two notable early book collectors, Sir George Grey and Alexander Turnbull. In this magnificent piece of research, a companion volume to his Amassing Treasures for All Times: Sir George Grey, colonial bookman and collector (2006), Donald Kerr examines Hocken’s collecting activities and his vital contribution to preserving the history of New Zealand’s early post-contact period.

Ordering information: Order all Otago books from Nationwide Book Distributors/ Ph: 03 312 1603/ Fax: 03 312 1604

A Festschrift in Memory of Philippa Maddern – Hardcopy Requests

This is the final call to register your interest for hardcopy requests of A Festschrift in Memory of Philippa Maddern (co-edited by Patricia Alessi and Deborah Seiler), a special edition published through Limina: A Journal of Historical and Cultural Studies.

This journal issue was created in honour of the medieval historian and late director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, 1100-1800. It was a great privilege for us and for our authors that Philippa knew of our plans for the Festschrift before she passed away; she said she learned a great deal from her students and was honoured to have been able to teach us.

We invited postgraduates as well as early career researchers to contribute to this Special Edition – anyone whom Philippa supervised, worked with or otherwise significantly influenced their professional and personal development. True to Philippa’s nature, this has resulted in a wonderful range of articles that show just how influential she was to her students and colleagues.

For contents of the Festschrift, please see:

Please email requests to by 15 May 2015.

Experiences of Charity, 1250-1650, ed. Anne Scott – Out Now!

Dear members, please find below the abstract and flyer for the new collection, Experiences of Charity, 1250-1650, edited by Anne Scott. Congratulations to Anne and all those involved in this excellent collection, including ANZAMEMS members Susan Broomhall, Nicholas Dean Brodie, Dolly MacKinnon, and the late Philippa Maddern.

Experiences of Charity, 1250-1650, ed. Anne M. Scott

For a number of years scholars who are concerned with issues of poverty and the poor have turned away from the study of charity and poor relief, in order to search for a view of the life of the poor from the point of view of the poor themselves. Great studies have been conducted using a variety of records, resulting in seminal works that have enriched our understanding of pauper experiences and the influence and impact of poverty on societies. If we return our gaze to ‘charity’ with the benefit of those studies’ questions, approaches, sources and findings, what might we see differently about how charity was experienced as a concept and in practice, at both community and personal levels?

In this collection, contributors explore the experience of charity towards the poor, considering it in spiritual, intellectual, emotional, personal, social, cultural and material terms. The approach is a comparative one: across different time periods, nations, and faiths. Contributors pay particular attention to the way faith inflected charity in the different national environments of England and France, as Catholicism and Calvinism became outlawed and/or minority faith positions in these respective nations. They ask how different faith and beliefs defined or shaped the act of charity, and explore whether these changed over time even within one faith. The sources used to answer such questions go beyond the textual as contributors analyse a range of additional sources that include the visual, aural, and material.

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Shakespeare Magazine – Issues 1-4 Available For Free Online

The fourth issue of Shakespeare Magazine is now available to read online:

Highlights include Shakespeare’s London (with guest appearances from Tom Hiddleston, Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman and Shakespeare in Love), Shakespeare in the mountains of California, New York’s Shakespeare rapper and a plethora of Shakespeare Disasters.

Shakespeare Magazine is a completely free online magazine. You don’t have to ‘Follow’ or sign up – just click or swipe to start turning the pages.


Previous issues:

Twitter: @UKShakespeare

Continuations to Sidney’s Arcadia, 1607–1867 – Now Available and Special Offer

The following publication from Pickering & Chatto Publishers which may be of interest to some members.

Continuations to Sidney’s Arcadia, 1607–1867 is now available. Continuations to Sidney’s Arcadia is an all Australian-production; the general editor is Marea Mitchell (Macquarie University), and volume editors are Dianne Osland (University of Newcastle) and Ann Lange (Macquarie University).

Sir Philip Sidney’s Arcadia has held a significant place in literary imagination since its inception over 430 years ago. William Shakespeare and Samuel Richardson both took inspiration from it. Arcadia has a complex publishing history which has seem it extracted or rewritten many times.Sustained adaptations of the work are less common and can be limited to just six texts. Of these, only Weamys’s continuation of 1651 exists in a modern scholarly edition.

This project presents the remaining five as well as two short supplements that attempt to bridge the gap between Sidney’s original and revised versions of the work. All the texts are rare, with two versions being particularly obscure. Publication of these volumes allows for serious scholarly comparison as well as re-interpretation. An extensive general introduction analyses the history of Arcadia’s reception and the place of each version in that history. Consideration is given to authorship and editorship and how these were defined overtime. Each text is prefaced by its own introduction and includes a bibliography of key material relating to the edition. It will be of interest to scholars of seventeenth-, eighteenth- and nineteenth-century literature as well as those who study print culture and the history of the book.

Pickering & Chatto have generously offered ANZAMEMS members a code which can be use to get 25% off the RRP of Continuations to Sidney’s Arcadia.

Members should contact ANZAMEMS Communications Officer, Marina Gerzic for the code.

Many thanks to Eleanor Hooker at Pickering & Chatto for organising this for ANZAMEMS.

Imago Temporis. Medium Aevum Vol. 6 (2012) – Now Online via Open Access

Volume 6 (2012) of the journal Imago Temporis. Medium Aevum is now available online via open access at the website:

Imago Temporis. Medium Aevum aims to contribute to renewing studies into the medieval period, with special attention to the different conceptual aspects that gave rise to the medieval civilisation, and especially to the study of the Mediterranean area.

Volumes 1-5 (from 2008 onwards) of Imago Temporis are also available to view via open access at the above website.

New Journal Launch: Ceræ: An Australasian Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies

Ceræ: An Australasian Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies would like to announce the launch of its new website,

Administered from the University of Western Australia with the generous support of faculty and staff, the journal is directed by a committee of interstate and international graduate students and early career researchers. We are united in our commitment to open-access publishing, the possibilities of the digital humanities, and to forging a strong community of medieval and early modern scholars in the region.

The word ‘ceræ’ refers to the wax tablets used throughout antiquity and the medieval period as a reusable writing surface. Like the wax tablet, online publishing is a flexible medium which can be rewritten and re-inscribed—it has a malleability that traditional print forums do not. Our sources range from tablets and scrolls to manuscript codices, printed pamphlets, archaeological finds and architectural features—and our research outputs likewise can take any form from traditional text to audio-visual recordings, images, and interactive projects in the digital humanities.

We gladly accept manuscripts from any discipline related to medieval and early modern studies (including medievalism in later culture) and will accommodate the needs of authors in including audio-visual material and unusual or innovative formatting requirements. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by qualified experts before publication.

We are supported by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the History of the Emotions, who are generously sponsoring our inaugural issue on Emotions in History. The call for papers can be found at: